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Subject:SF 5.0 - uhh 2 years too late
Posted by: retro96
Date:2/1/2001 4:13:00 PM

From what i've read, and from the fact there are plenty of
bugs in the beta - I can only say it's now beyond to late.
The bottom line for me is that if SF had tried to release
even a measly 24/96 (as opposed to 196 <- uhh what's the
point of this resolution - I doubt even a dog if it could
speak would not be able to articulate the differences in
the higher frequency spectrums between 96 and 196) back two
years ago. I would have forgiven them for slight hiccups
and other quirky elements in their design of a beta
release. I have posted many times in the past to get some
feedback on when SF would support 24/96. I never got a
response, nor any indication of this product ever being
released. The only success story this company has is
vegas, it's just too bad they could not get the 24/96
support ported to Sound Forge sooner as I am sure they
would be the market leaders in audio for the PC. Ohh well.
I use Cool Edit or Wavelab now, and a little SF 4.5 just
before the burn to CD.

I reccomend anyone checking out the beta here of 5.0 to way
it out against wavelab/cooledit.

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