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Subject:Unwanted noise
Posted by: B_Ruff
Date:9/5/2000 6:56:00 PM

Basically, when modifying or altering either a single
sample or loop, there is some sort of clicking sound that
always occurs at the point of either the beginning or end
of the modification point. for example, if a single note is
cut from sample A and pasted into loop B, Loop B does not
play accurately with said sample. It omits a clicking noise
when sample A is started and finished, as though the
program itself has been designed to let listeners know that
loop B has been modified from its original state.

Someone help me as it is really bugging me!!!

Subject:Re: Unwanted noise
Reply by: SeVere
Date:9/15/2000 3:08:00 AM

Try using snap to zero under your options menu. That most likely
will work as the click usually means that you are not splitting the
wave form as close to the zero point as possible.

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