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Subject:Wish List
Posted by: Scotteh
Date:4/5/2000 1:30:00 PM


Im trying to convince out engineer to switch to Windows
based stuff (cause I HATE working with macs...!!!) but he's
really stuck on using regions and play lists in digidesign's
sound designer II. I've been able to find the region and
play lists in Sound Forge, and it looks pretty good, but
there's 2 things missing: Level of each region, and cross
fade between them! IF those (and any other neat ideas) could
be added I might be able to switch us from pro tools to
sonic foundry!!

If I've missed something and these features are actually in
there, could someone point me in the right direction?

As for the other ways of doing cross fades, yeah I know, but
this guy is just reeeeeeal difficult to change!! CAnt teach
an old dog new tricks, ya know? :)



Subject:Re: Wish List
Reply by: musicman
Date:4/17/2000 3:14:00 AM

In CD Architect you can do all of the above before CD burning

Scott Rogers wrote:
>>Im trying to convince out engineer to switch to Windows
>>based stuff (cause I HATE working with macs...!!!) but he's
>>really stuck on using regions and play lists in digidesign's
>>sound designer II. I've been able to find the region and
>>play lists in Sound Forge, and it looks pretty good, but
>>there's 2 things missing: Level of each region, and cross
>>fade between them! IF those (and any other neat ideas) could
>>be added I might be able to switch us from pro tools to
>>sonic foundry!!
>>If I've missed something and these features are actually in
>>there, could someone point me in the right direction?
>>As for the other ways of doing cross fades, yeah I know, but
>>this guy is just reeeeeeal difficult to change!! CAnt teach
>>an old dog new tricks, ya know? :)

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