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Subject:How to use someone's voice, and apply it to another voice??? Very specific question. HELP!
Posted by: DrJOnes666
Date:3/6/2000 10:03:00 PM


My question is: Is there any kind of plugin or software
that can analyze a voice sample, and then using the
analisis apply it to another voice sample in order to make
this one "sound like the first one".

I'm not sure if I explained myself correctly... But what
I'm trying to do is sample my voice saying something. And
then process this sample so my voice will change to someone
else's voice (or close to it).

I want to do comic voice over clips of films for local
standup comedy shows...

Anybody has any idea if this is at all possible?

I am using SOUNDFORGE as my audio APP.

Thank you.


Subject:Re: How to use someone's voice, and apply it to another voice??? Very specific question. HELP!
Reply by: TestpadAudio
Date:3/7/2000 4:48:00 AM

martin wrote:
>>My question is: Is there any kind of plugin or software
>>that can analyze a voice sample, and then using the
>>analisis apply it to another voice sample in order to make
>>this one "sound like the first one".
>>I'm not sure if I explained myself correctly... But what
>>I'm trying to do is sample my voice saying something. And
>>then process this sample so my voice will change to someone
>>else's voice (or close to it).
>>I want to do comic voice over clips of films for local
>>standup comedy shows...
>>Anybody has any idea if this is at all possible?
>>I am using SOUNDFORGE as my audio APP.
>>Thank you.

Subject:Re: How to use someone's voice, and apply it to another voice??? Very specific question. HELP!
Reply by: TestpadAudio
Date:3/7/2000 4:56:00 AM

Randy Johnson wrote:

It is being worked on as you read this. The software that will
enable this sort of thing will be available soon. Anyone knowing
of more specific information about voice conversion software please
post here.

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