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Subject:Udates require other downloads?
Posted by: Al Nico
Date:3/4/2008 4:33:00 PM

I downloaded the CDA 5.2x update, copied to cd, opened in DAW and when I tried to un the update .exe file, it won't let me because it needs to connect to the internet to download two files, one of which is is "windows 3.1" and "c++ redistributable"
I am having the same issue with my Noise reduction
My music pc is not attached to the web and I don't recall having this problem with other updates.
Please help.
Thank you,

Subject:RE: Udates require other downloads?
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:3/5/2008 4:57:47 AM

First thing - don't panic. These are sensible requirements for many applications these days - it's not just a Sony thing.
Windows Installer 3.1 features newer protocols for modern software to install, and the C++ redistributable features code platforms that allow the various softwares' that require it to run.
If you're keeping the macine of the web, then you will need to download these 2 files from another machine, and copy them over and install.
If you're not sure where to get them from, then write which operating system you're using , and we could locate the correct versions from Microsoft for you.

Subject:RE: Udates require other downloads?
Reply by: R0cky
Date:3/5/2008 7:41:30 AM

Subject:RE: Udates require other downloads?
Reply by: Al Nico
Date:3/9/2008 9:13:50 AM

First, thank you folks for your help... and second I apologize for not thanking you sooner. You have been very quick to help and I should have responded right away.
It worked, and again I thank you.

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