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Subject:SF 4.5a -> Real Audio dropouts after converting from wav
Posted by: headjams_dotcom
Date:7/9/1999 2:50:00 PM

For some reason or other, when I save in real audio format for stereo 20kbps bitrate,
Or 32kbps, or even 40kbps stereo,

I get dropouts consistently in the same places when I play the file FROM THE HARD DRIVE!
I have the latest version of RealPlayer G2 (downloaded yesterday july 8th)

When the first dropout occured in each of the clips I converted,
the RealPlayer reports that it is NET CONGESTION..

What the heck is this all about?

The source data was a series of 44.1khz 16 bit stereo wav files..

The behavior exhibited itself on two separate, capable, and very different machines

The first was my Home PC: A Asus P2BF based pentium III 450
with 128 mb of 100mhz SDRAM, A 10 gig 7200 RPM Maxtor ULTRA ATA hard drive, and
Windows98 second edition newly installed a month ago.

The hard drive was defragged, All unecessary background apps were disabled.

This behavior exhibited itself on a second PC:

My work PC:
a compaq pentium II 450 with 128 mb of ram (brand new build) and windows NT 4.0
with service pack 4.

I used the same realplayer on both systems, the same build of SF and some of the same,
some different source material.

This happened with Batch Converter, and with individual save as: from SF proper

Thought the encoder might be choking on the dynamics and freq response so:
I tried resampling with anti-aliasing down to 8khz freq response,
And also tried both resampling, and normalization to no avail.

I tried the anti-alias resample at 22, 11, and 8, and even 4 for good measure
but the problems still happen..

What is up with this? My build of SF is SoundForge 4.5a

As far as I can remember, the highest bitrates
worked ok, and I think 16kbps mono voice ones did as well, but that is not acceptable...

The clips I will be posting will be on an independent jam band promotion and e-label site, so
they have to be tweaked, or nobody is going to buy all these starving musician's music.

Any clues, anyone? Similar problems?

Chris Butler

Peter Haller wrote:
>>I am sorry you are dissatisfied. We can only support what is on your system.
>>What is "not as good" about our RA converter?

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