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Subject:Sample Editing for Acid Music 7
Posted by: Keith Low
Date:2/4/2008 10:44:52 AM

I have downloaded some samples which Acid Music 7 finds difficult to loop as the loops have not been constructed well. I would like to put a looping marker in and then have the sample stretched to fit the 4/4 beat tempo. I have worked out the chopper, however its too short to make a loop. Can anybody please help?

Subject:RE: Sample Editing for Acid Music 7
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/6/2008 11:14:51 AM

I take it you used the "chop to new track" command in the Chopper?

How short is this particular loop you're trying to create?


Subject:RE: Sample Editing for Acid Music 7
Reply by: Keith Low
Date:2/7/2008 12:04:02 AM

The sample is literally a 1/2 to 1 bar short, so it does not loop. I do use the chopper to get the loop, but then transfering it to music editor, its still too short as the to make a loop because I don't know how to stretch the loop to fit the editor.

Subject:RE: Sample Editing for Acid Music 7
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:2/7/2008 7:08:06 AM

What sort of sample is it? A one shot, or repeating? IF it's repeating, then why not dupliacte it back to back, and make that your sample. Should be long enough for you then. IF that's not what you want. Ignore me :)

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