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Subject:converting mono to stereo
Posted by: twu
Date:5/5/1999 4:54:19 AM

hi, i am a new sound forge user. I usually plug in my guitar (which is mono) and send it through a
effect box, and come out stereo. I am just wondering, can i do the same thing with soundforge,
because when i apply the direct X cakewalk stereo reverb, it sitll come out mono, am i doing
something wrong, does it mean the you can't really use sound forge as a effect box

Subject:Re: converting mono to stereo
Reply by: danielp
Date:5/5/1999 10:37:41 AM

i use channel converter mono to stereo %100 then use the
multi-tap delaty for stereo works great for
fat guitar

tommy wu wrote:
>>hi, i am a new sound forge user. I usually plug in my
guitar (which is mono) and send it through a
>>effect box, and come out stereo. I am just wondering,
can i do the same thing with soundforge,
>>because when i apply the direct X cakewalk stereo reverb,
it sitll come out mono, am i doing
>>something wrong, does it mean the you can't really use
sound forge as a effect box

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