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Subject:Save as/temporary files/direct mode......
Posted by: Neil
Date:3/17/1999 10:34:48 PM

(1) Open an existing file
(2) Do "Save as..." and save it under a new name
(3) You then get the prompt

"Do you wish to open the file as a new temporary file
(No will open in Direct Mode) "
Yes, creates and opens a new temporary file
No, opens the new file in Direct mode
Cancel, err..cancel closes the file..?

Right, I've asked SF tech support why there is not a
"proper" (you'll see what I mean in a moment) option to
turn off this annoying message. Quite often when e.g.
pulling some sfx from a sfx cd, I will just record into one
big file and then drag and drop new little files and then
when I'm done I do Save As on them get the

The reason I say "proper" is that there actually is an
option (Options->General);
"Automatically reopen file after saving" (roughly)
With this "On", doing a Save As... automatically opens the
file in *Direct* mode. No, no, no, no....

Why can't we have it so that a new temporary file will be
created automatically? Opening in Direct mode is useless
*and* dangerous. If you continue editing on this file and
then you PC crashes (or power faliure etc) you will lose
the edits (a sacrafice for using Direct Mode)

I've had responses from tech support but they are wrong. I
*know* it's a bug but tech support don't seem to....

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