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Subject:Mixing/Separating channels
Posted by: soundwaves
Date:3/3/1999 3:53:08 PM

Is it possible to separate channels of a pre-recorded sound
byte i.e. I've got a song, and I want to get rid of the
voice but leave the music (Like karioke) could I do it in
Sound Forge?

Subject:Re: Mixing/Separating channels
Reply by: daFlyinHawaiian
Date:9/21/1999 5:43:00 AM

John wrote:
>>Is it possible to separate channels of a pre-recorded sound
>>byte i.e. I've got a song, and I want to get rid of the
>>voice but leave the music (Like karioke) could I do it in
>>Sound Forge?

you can "try' the ol'quick karaoke trick...heres my version of this
cult classic...

open your stereo file in sound forge.
select the left channel only
invert the mo fo
play that back see if its good enough,prolly be a lot of ghost reverb
from the former centered vocals...if thats good enough,great...if not
hehehehe select left channel only move it forward in time by one
sample do a tiny little simple eq in the high midrange nothing
drastic, maybe even eq it to sound better..apply that eq to both left
and right channels. now move the right channel back one sample use a
different eq setting again process both sides...flip the left channel
phase back in....enjoy your mess

Subject:Re: Mixing/Separating channels
Reply by: leftism
Date:5/22/2000 10:58:00 AM

I don't think so. I've heard it's possible, but only with extrememly
expensive software.

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