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Subject:multitrack recording
Posted by: shobbs
Date:1/28/2001 9:33:00 AM

A drum track is down in ACID. I try to record a guitar part into ACID. When I play it back the track has
both the drum and guitar. Is there a way to record just the guitar and still hear the drum track during
the recording process. We have ACID 2.0 and Delta 44.

Subject:RE: multitrack recording
Reply by: EKG
Date:2/3/2001 6:34:48 PM

First of all you will need to make sure your card is
capable a "Full-Duplex" sound and not "Half-Duplex" sound.
Im not sure about the Delta but I believe it is. Secondly
you will need to set it to "Full-Duplex" sound. Thirdly, in
your recording properties of your pc mixer select the
proper input source that your guitar is plugged into. If
you are plugged into the "Line In" on your soundcard make
sure "Line In" is selected, if your are plugged into
the "Mic In" make sure your Inout Source is set to "Mic In".

Most likely your input source is currently set to "Wave"
or "What You Here" and it is picking up ALL playback
sources when you are recording.

That should do it. Hope this helps.


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