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Subject:A lil help for a future music producer
Posted by: DJ_KeMiKaL
Date:1/19/2001 7:27:00 PM

okay this isnt really product related but, my soundcard is
not the best and really wanna get the best sound to be put
in my computer..... any sound cards that someone recomends?
cuz i have made a couple of tracks that have GOOD quality,
but i want the BEST!

thank you

-dj kemikal

Subject:Re: A lil help for a future music producer
Reply by: Normandyrocks
Date:1/21/2001 2:39:00 AM

There are so many out there right now it's stupid! You
have to first determine what features you need, and what
you are willing/able to spend. I recomend doing a great
deal of research before making a decision. First I would
look at some of the mail order catalogs to get some ideas
about what is out there. Musicians friend
( or
Sweetwater sound ( are all excellent places
to start your research. But go to the manufaturers web site
to get ALL the details. While these mail order companies
are a great way to find out what is out there, they do
sometimes get their facts confused, or may not list all the
features. You can also request a catalog from these sites.
I would recomend that you select a sound card that uses
some sort of "breakout box" that puts the analog to digital
converters outside of the computer. It has been my
experience that many of the sound cards that
have "internal" or card based converters are subject to
noise and interference from the CPU and/or other components
of the computer.
Hope that helps.

Steve wrote:
>>okay this isnt really product related but, my soundcard
>>not the best and really wanna get the best sound to be
>>in my computer..... any sound cards that someone
>>cuz i have made a couple of tracks that have GOOD
>>but i want the BEST!
>>thank you
>>-dj kemikal

Subject:Re: A lil help for a future music producer
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:1/21/2001 9:02:00 PM

Don't get anything with the name "Sound Blaster" in the
name. I recommend any of the RME cards or Echo cards.
Choose the one that fits your budget and your needs.

Norm Stevens wrote:
>> There are so many out there right now it's stupid! You
>>have to first determine what features you need, and what
>>you are willing/able to spend. I recomend doing a great
>>deal of research before making a decision. First I would
>>look at some of the mail order catalogs to get some ideas
>>about what is out there. Musicians friend
>>( or
>>Sweetwater sound ( are all excellent
>>to start your research. But go to the manufaturers web
>>to get ALL the details. While these mail order companies
>>are a great way to find out what is out there, they do
>>sometimes get their facts confused, or may not list all
>>features. You can also request a catalog from these sites.
>>I would recomend that you select a sound card that uses
>>some sort of "breakout box" that puts the analog to
>>converters outside of the computer. It has been my
>>experience that many of the sound cards that
>>have "internal" or card based converters are subject to
>>noise and interference from the CPU and/or other
>>of the computer.
>> Hope that helps.
>>Steve wrote:
>>>>okay this isnt really product related but, my
>>>>not the best and really wanna get the best sound to be
>>>>in my computer..... any sound cards that someone
>>>>cuz i have made a couple of tracks that have GOOD
>>>>but i want the BEST!
>>>>thank you
>>>>-dj kemikal

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