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Subject:Time Insertion
Posted by: Bandar
Date:11/8/2000 11:20:00 AM

Let's say that I've completed a portion of music (in ACID
Music 2.0) and suddenly decide to add a five second
introduction at the beginning of the piece. Is there a
simple way to insert a block of "blank" time within the
composition on which to work, or am I forced to move each
and every sample back the corresponding five seconds (a
painstaking procedure)? I've been working with the program
for a few months now, so I might just be missing something
really obvious...

Subject:Re: Time Insertion
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/9/2000 12:23:00 AM

Place the cursor where you want the silence to begin,
use "Edit>Insert Silence" on the menu bar.


Jason wrote:
>>Let's say that I've completed a portion of music (in ACID
>>Music 2.0) and suddenly decide to add a five second
>>introduction at the beginning of the piece. Is there a
>>simple way to insert a block of "blank" time within the
>>composition on which to work, or am I forced to move each
>>and every sample back the corresponding five seconds (a
>>painstaking procedure)? I've been working with the program
>>for a few months now, so I might just be missing something
>>really obvious...

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