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Subject:Roland XP-60 & Acid Pro
Posted by: MusicBear
Date:10/15/2000 7:49:00 PM


I want to sync Acid Pro to my Roland XP-60 sound module.

What I want to accomplish, is to record three different
instruments, in three seperate passes, from my XP-60, to
Acid Pro, in perfect sync.

Is this possible? If so, what procedures would I follow to
accomplish this?

Ray "MusicBear" Baker

Subject:Re: Roland XP-60 & Acid Pro
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/16/2000 3:40:00 PM

Ray the best way to do this is to have Acid generate a Midi Beat
Clock, Send your Midi out of your PC, which will send a beat clock,
to the XP-60's Midi In. This is where it get's difficult, because I
have owned a few Roland keyboards, You have to set the XP-60
to "External" midi clock. Last time I tried this on an XP-50 was a
few years back, and Rolands manuals always suck for this kind of
info. So if you already know how to do this, then you're ahead of
the game. Set the tempo in Acid to whatever your current song tempo
is. Then solo each track on your XP-60 and then hit Record on Acid
and follow the instructions in the menus to record. Acid should
start playing your sequence on the XP-60 if you have everything setup
correctly. You can check by hitting play on Acid first, to make sure
the XP-60 is receiving the beat clock, and in turn the XP-60 should
play simultaneously to whatever tempo you have selected in Acid.

Good Luck,
Brian Franz

Ray MusicBear Baker wrote:
>>I want to sync Acid Pro to my Roland XP-60 sound module.
>>What I want to accomplish, is to record three different
>>instruments, in three seperate passes, from my XP-60, to
>>Acid Pro, in perfect sync.
>>Is this possible? If so, what procedures would I follow to
>>accomplish this?
>>Ray "MusicBear" Baker

Subject:Re: Roland XP-60 & Acid Pro
Reply by: MusicBear
Date:10/16/2000 7:05:00 PM

Hi Brian,

Thanks so much for the info, it works perfectly!

Kudos to you!

Ray "MusicBear" Baker

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