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Subject:Has Reverb/Panning problem been resolved or addressed by SOFO?
Posted by: interfecto
Date:6/4/2000 11:22:00 AM

I'd like to know if the Reverb/Pan problem will ever be
straightened out. What I mean is when I used Express
Effects Reverb in Acid Music 2.0, the Pan Function doesn't
work. For example, if I Pan a Snare Drum Hard Right and
have the Reverb engaged, the Pan doesn't work. The Snare
Drum goes to both Sides of the Stereo Mix.
Is this being addressed and will it be resolved? This
creates quite a Bad Situation when you are trying to do a
Final Mix that includes Effects. You lose the Pan Function
on any Track that has Effects assigned to it. This, in all
actuality, sucks. Please, SOFO, try to get this remedied
sometime in the near future.

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