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Subject:Learning how to do Acid
Posted by: dr_zeemo
Date:4/19/2000 12:58:00 AM

Hi folks,
I am new to these here parts, so bear with me. I am
interested in buying Acid .... but I have no clue which one
to get... I know that I would like to be able to do
multitrack recording. I also know that I like acid, for it's
ability to create drum tracks, and various bass parts, and
be able to fit them into a situation. I am also interested
in buying a cakewalk product... So what should i do?? Will
Acid provide me with the same ability to multitrack record
as cakewalk??? Will I be able to record audio into Acid, not
using aq "loop" format? Vocals? guitar parts? Can I synch
Acid to Midi? Can It be a slave to Midi?? for example, I own
a 8 track minidisc machine, and according to the manual it
can only transmit midi time, it cannot recieve. therefore,
the minidisc machine, would have to be the "master" in the
midi chain. Can Acid accomodate this??? These are mysteries
to me... any inputis appreciated. If your interested, the
type of music that I produce,?? Got to
perhaps that will at least clearify my intentions, as to
what I am shooting for...
Thanx, Rick Z

Subject:Re: Learning how to do Acid
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/20/2000 2:06:00 AM

ACID Pro will chase to MIDI Time Code(MTC). It can also generate MTC
and MIDI Clock. It cannot chase to MIDI Clock.

When using ACID with Cakewalk, the best thing to do is have ACID
generate MIDI Clock as this permits ACID's tempo changes to be
followed in Cakewalk.

While ACID can playback disk based tracks like a Multitrack, it is
not a true multitrack. ACID is optimized for loops and one shot
playback and not streaming audio from the harddrive. Vegas is our
multitrack product.


Rick Zizzamia wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>I am new to these here parts, so bear with me. I am
>>interested in buying Acid .... but I have no clue which one
>>to get... I know that I would like to be able to do
>>multitrack recording. I also know that I like acid, for it's
>>ability to create drum tracks, and various bass parts, and
>>be able to fit them into a situation. I am also interested
>>in buying a cakewalk product... So what should i do?? Will
>>Acid provide me with the same ability to multitrack record
>>as cakewalk??? Will I be able to record audio into Acid, not
>>using aq "loop" format? Vocals? guitar parts? Can I synch
>>Acid to Midi? Can It be a slave to Midi?? for example, I own
>>a 8 track minidisc machine, and according to the manual it
>>can only transmit midi time, it cannot recieve. therefore,
>>the minidisc machine, would have to be the "master" in the
>>midi chain. Can Acid accomodate this??? These are mysteries
>>to me... any inputis appreciated. If your interested, the
>>type of music that I produce,?? Got to
>>perhaps that will at least clearify my intentions, as to
>>what I am shooting for...
>>Thanx, Rick Z

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