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Subject:M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Posted by: forumsettings
Date:11/14/2007 1:56:53 PM

My Layla 24 just died after 7 years. I installed an M-Audio Delta 1010LT and I receive an error message when I attempt to playback a 22,050 Hz 16 Bit Mono MP3 file. The 44,100 Hz 16bit Stereo version of this file plays fine. I had no trouble playing back these files with the Layla. Here is the text of the error message:

An error occurred during the current operation
An unsupported media type was requested.
The ASIO device M-Audio Delta ASIO does not support the current sample rate.

I need to work with these mono files. What do I need to do?

Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:11/14/2007 3:02:35 PM

Look in the m-audio control panel in the task bar. You should fin d an option to change your sample rate manually, and also, determine what the clock source should be so it can change itself.

Secondly, make sure there is not another app that uses it running first, that locks the sample rate prior to SF getting it.



Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: forumsettings
Date:11/14/2007 3:23:31 PM

Kenny-Thanks for the response. I tried those suggestions without success. Then I tried dropping the file into Vegas 8 and I had no problem with the playback there. Any ideas?

Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:11/14/2007 3:35:46 PM

Compare your audio device settings in Vegas and SForge. If Vegas works fine, then that is the guide. If they're the same, then we'll think of something else

Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: forumsettings
Date:11/14/2007 4:20:22 PM

I compared Vegas and SF, and discovered that Vegas was using the Microsoft Sound Mapper while SF used the M-Audio Delta ASIO. When I changed SF to Microsoft Sound Mapper the file played fine. Is this normal? Thank you for all of your advice.

Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:11/15/2007 3:21:12 AM

Have you got a motherboard soundcard and it's plugged in?

If so, the MS Sound Mapper may actually be using that, and not referring to your M-Audio at all..

(I've experienced sample rate locks on cards when something else is in the background, locking the clock - this could be another audio app, or something as innocent as media player.)

Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: ForumAdmin
Date:11/15/2007 7:19:54 AM

I've run a Delta 44 on one of my machines for a long time without having to deal with these sorts of things, so I expect it won't take too much troubleshooting to get this working.

First, make sure you are running the latest update for your version of Forge.

Second, Vegas delivers audio at the project bit-depth and sample-rate, whereas Forge attempts to open at the file's native sample rate. So Vegas is likely providing 44.1kHz data and Forge is attempting to open the device at 22.05kHz. Forge works under Sound Mapper because the Windows kmixer takes care of re-sampling for you if the card doesn't support the requested rate (in this case, though, it's using the Delta MME driver, which does).

So the ASIO driver is balking at 22.05 kHz. Assuming the driver supports 22.05kHz (it does), make sure the "Rate Locked" checkbox is un-checked in the Delta control panel. This is the simplest explanation.

If you've selected the Delta device as your default Windows audio device, you'll want to ensure nothing is using it while you are attempting to use the ASIO driver (e.g. Windows system sounds and other audio-capable apps). Alternatively, you can just use Sound Mapper, or explicitly select the MME driver (in "Wave Classic" mode) instead of the ASIO driver.

Finally, if you are running Forge 9.0, try disabling all the ports not labeled "WavIn" or "WavOut" in Forge's playback and record routing preferences. Shouldn't matter for this case, but doesn't hurt to try.


Message last edited on11/15/2007 7:29:36 AM byForumAdmin.
Subject:RE: M-Audio Delta 1010LT Sample Rate
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:11/15/2007 12:10:12 PM

On an Audiophile 2496, having the SPDIF enabled will do strange things when another sample rate file played through the o/p.


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