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Subject:Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Date:3/19/2000 4:05:00 PM

From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
in my side.
I have ran into problem after problem.
I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
with this product.
Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
block each and every step one takes.
I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
many-many musicians out there.
All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:3/19/2000 9:38:00 PM

Hi Ralph
What type of problems are you having? and what type of computer are
you running? I've been using SF products for almost 6 years and Its
been the best.Im not an expert on software but I've dumped alot of
other stuff because Acid, Vegas, Sound Forge and alot of the plug-ins
work very well.If I can be of any help please e-mail me
take care, George Ware

Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: ATP
Date:3/20/2000 11:58:00 AM

I think you got it wrong, Ralph. I don't work at Sonic Foundry, so
don't think I'm a salesman or something ;-), but I've been using
their products for quite some time now, and I think there are not
many programs that can compete with SF's quality and precision.

Probably the fault isn't even with SF, but with Windows itself, as is
usually the case. I suggest you write an angry letter to Bill Gates
and wait till he replies ... ;-)

Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: Kelly_S
Date:3/20/2000 1:57:00 PM

Hello Ralph.

We are sorry you are having difficulty using our Acid program.

For technical support, please give us a call or at 608-256-5555
Monday-Friday 7AM-10PM CST.
If this is not possible, you could send us an email to:


Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: pwppch
Date:3/20/2000 2:53:00 PM


You don't say what your problems are?

How did you contact Rimas? (Rimas is not exactly tech support. I am
sure that he fowarded your request to our tech support dept.)


Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:This jerk has been problematic
Reply by: FishNose
Date:3/21/2000 4:38:00 PM

I say - ignore this stupid guy.
This is typical flaming crap. I see it everywhere, on every forum and
chat site. Always an idiot who likes to stir up trouble.
He doesn't mention the specific product - because he doesn't have one
to mention.
He doesn't specify the problem - because there isn't one.
He drops names - the CEO in this case - as a way to scare and make
people take notice. He's never met the man, never will.
Betcha he's not a DJ or a musician either. No such friends
Just your average jerk trying to make an impression.
He's a tired joke, is all.
Back to the forums real business, everybody!

I've been using SF products professionally and for fun, for a long
time. Since Sound Forge came on floppies!
Great stuff.
Sure, little niggles, like the sync thing in Acid Pro, but nobody's

Peter Haller wrote:
>>You don't say what your problems are?
>>How did you contact Rimas? (Rimas is not exactly tech support. I am
>>sure that he fowarded your request to our tech support dept.)
>>Ralph Damato wrote:
>>>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>>>in my side.
>>>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>>>with this product.
>>>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>>>block each and every step one takes.
>>>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>>>many-many musicians out there.
>>>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: This jerk has been problematic
Reply by: pwppch
Date:3/21/2000 8:06:00 PM

>> Since Sound Forge came on floppies!

You're dating your self with this one!

I guess the one thing that is silly is the threats. Threats don't
make us jump any higher.

I just got a kick out of Rimas being brought into all of this...

Am more than willing to help this guy - or anybody - but they have to
meet us half way.


Subject:Re: Advertising
Reply by: tonyoci
Date:3/23/2000 8:23:00 PM

It is pretty obvious that this is an ad for this guy's site and
whatever he promotes their.


Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: interfecto
Date:3/24/2000 9:27:00 PM

Ralph Damato wrote:
>>From day 1 this product has been anything short of a thorn
>>in my side.
>>I have ran into problem after problem.
>>I just wanted to air this, because I am very disappointed
>>with this product.
>>Something that should be easy to, comes with a stumbling
>>block each and every step one takes.
>>I brought this to the attention of Mr. Buinevicius..SF's
>>I am also going to post this subject on a DJ bullettine
>>board. I am also a musician and will spread this out to the
>>many-many musicians out there.
>>All's I can say to each of you...DONT BUY SONIC
>>FOUNDERY....IT S..k's.
>>By the by Mr. Buinevicius,... go to for an eye

>>Mr Damato,
Sounds to me like if a duck had your brain, he'd be flying North for
the Winter. Hey man, learn how to use a computer with this program. I
must admit I have had difficulties but it was not the fault of Sonic
Foundry's software. I have Acid 2.0 and after getting a good Sound
Card and learning the in's and out's of Acid, I have found that the
program does exactly as it should. I might add that I think this
program is "Miraculous". I wish I could have had this program back in
the "Dark Ages" when all you had was a Multitrack Tape Recorder.
My advice, stop bitchin and figger it out.

Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: Paul_Kenyon
Date:3/26/2000 12:14:00 PM

I've been reading the messages for a couple of hours now and figured
sooner or later, there would be some half-wit with a flame to throw.
I'm an ambient musician and have used many programs for my electronic
work and dumped them ALL when I was introduced to Acid and Sound
Forge. I find them to be the most powerful YET, easiest to
manipulate. I don't know what Ralph's problem is, if any, but if he
is truly having a problem with Acid he certainly does not need to be
tinkering with computers!


Subject:Re: Sonic Foundry has been problematic
Reply by: thagarus
Date:3/26/2000 3:10:00 PM

Paul Kenyon wrote:
>>I've been reading the messages for a couple of hours now and figured
>>sooner or later, there would be some half-wit with a flame to throw.

>>I'm an ambient musician and have used many programs for my
>>work and dumped them ALL when I was introduced to Acid and Sound
>>Forge. I find them to be the most powerful YET, easiest to
>>manipulate. I don't know what Ralph's problem is, if any, but if he
>>is truly having a problem with Acid he certainly does not need to be
>>tinkering with computers!

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