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Subject:Acid Planet ????
Posted by: Digix2k
Date:3/13/2000 9:14:00 PM

Can someone tell me what is going on with Acid Planet?

I have been unable to raise the sight for two days, and
have had nothing but trouble with the sight since I first
started to visit five weeks ago.

Acid Planet support has been non-existant, and completely
non-responsive to my e-mails.

This is a great idea, and could be a great site, but if
others are experiencing the same frustrations as I am, I
suggest that you pull the plug.

I keep hearing about a revamping of the site?? If this is
the case, why arn't e-mail notices going to the AP
Citizens, or at least posted when you try to raise the

This site is not worthy of sonic foundry HELP!

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