Subject:Problem mixing acid projects down to stereo wav.
Posted by: thagarus
Date:3/6/2000 6:49:00 PM
I've been using acid as my main multitrack to write, compose and record my songs. These songs include loops, one shots and a lot of disc based tracks.I know acid is not a true multitrack but its working for me,I think my computer set up helps me get away with quite a lot of disc based tracks.Anyway when I mix down the acid song using mix to new track and then burn it to cd the songs lose volume or high end or low end and don't sound like they did in acid.My songs include a lot of guitar, bass and synth that I record into acid and the songs that have these seem to suffer the most from this problem.Am I asking to much of acid to mix down to a 50 meg stereo wav file? Is the problem in how acid renders all those tracks down to one stereo wav.?Do I need some mastering software? I know vegas is better suited for this work but I don't want to dismantle my acid project and then have to rebuild it back up in vegas. Thanks Gregory |
Subject:Re: Problem mixing acid projects down to stereo wav.
Reply by: goofyfool
Date:3/7/2000 12:44:00 PM
gregory, first of all, i suggest you use soundforge or a similar audio editor to raise/maximize the volume on your individual wav files. use the audio meter to check for clipping, or use an effect that will automatically adjust the sound for you/ such as dynamics/maximize volume/or soft knee compressor (i use this one). acid will automatically recognize they've been updated. then make sure that the track volume level (in acid) for that wav file is set just below clipping (the mixer will show you the decibel levels). after that, check to see if you have an external mixer set up on your computer. the sound signal may be routed to this for you to hear, although the signal sent from the audio card will go directly to cd, so any adjustments you made on your external mixer will go unnoticed in the recording. disable the external mixer, and you'll hear the sound just as it will be in the recording. good luck bud! alex |