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Subject:Mix To Track, and envelope volume
Posted by: RocketSled
Date:3/6/2000 2:02:00 AM

I've noticed that the loops supplied with Acid are of a
prety decent seems that when I try pick the Mix
to New Track option, I get a pretty low volume. My
intention is to use various drums components to build a
drum kit, then mix to a single track to save space in the
event window, but there's this volume thing...

Also, just out of curiousity, what set up do you guys use
to record loops, as far as mic, etc.

Keep up the good work..


Subject:Try a .WAV editor
Reply by: DHarris
Date:3/6/2000 10:00:00 AM

You are going to want a .WAV file editor such as Sound Forge or Cool
Edit Pro. They both have the ability to amplify the entire .WAV file
or just a selection of the .WAV file. Plus, they have cool effects as

Subject:Re: Try a .WAV editor
Reply by: RocketSled
Date:3/6/2000 11:01:00 PM

Daniel R. Harris wrote:
>>You are going to want a .WAV file editor such as Sound Forge or Cool
>>Edit Pro. They both have the ability to amplify the entire .WAV file
>>or just a selection of the .WAV file. Plus, they have cool effects

I have Soundforge, and have used the Dynamics effect to increase
apparent volume, but it also increases hiss. What I'm not really
clear on is how 2 drum envelopes can mix to 1, at a lower volume
within the Acid program. It seems that the result should be equal to
what went in....vince

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