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Subject:Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Posted by: janboi
Date:10/1/2007 1:40:45 PM

I just have the microsoft standard...

Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:10/1/2007 2:33:36 PM

Define lousy... If you mean unconvincing and dull and flat, then that is what GM (general MIDI) is like. What can you do about it? The following.

1) Record each instrument as an audio file, and then you can process the audio file (a bit of EQ and reverb does wonders to many of the sounds).

2) Use a software synthesiser (NI, IKMultimedia, Reason)

3) Use a hardware sythnesiser.

I use all 3 methods, depending on what I am doing, and this enables me to get convincing audio sounds of anything from orchestras, bands, through to anything electronic between.

If you don't have option 2, and you don't have option 3 otherwise you would have mentioned this, that leaves option 1. So program the MIDI notes as appropriate, record them into audio, then apply some toys to spice up the sounds.



Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:10/1/2007 2:56:28 PM

Can't you add the effects and processing directly to the midi tracks without having to render to audio files first?

Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:10/1/2007 3:11:52 PM

Unless Acid has something I've not seen before, then no - when we talk about MIDI as in GM. I can't name a single package that will let you do this (excluding sampler type packages such as Reason etc). I'm not saying I've exhausted every program, but it doesn't happen. The MIDI is created in realtime using the synth wavetable, and only cards which support DSP effects for MIDI can produce any effects on MIDI - Yamaha ruled the roost ages ago with their SW1000 XG cards... Memories..

If you look at something like Acid, you will see MIDI tracks do not have the fx button available. It's not just Acid, Cubase, Nuendo, etc - these are just the same. The "effects" you sometimes see are MIDI data effects - ie arpeggiation methods, vol effects, pan effects. Not effects such as chorus, reverb, "power" toys. Although at a push GM wavetable synths do have an overall chorus and reverb function within them, we can discount them as being available.



Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:10/1/2007 3:54:10 PM

What version of Acid are you using? The last few versions of Acid Pro have had good soft synths from NI bundled (Acid Pro 6.0 had NI Kompakt). You should be able to get excellent results from these.

Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:10/2/2007 4:07:47 AM

> Can't you add the effects and processing directly to the midi tracks without having to render to audio files first?

Yes, but you don't add them to the tracks, you add them to the Soft Synth Bus. You can even automate the Synth by displaying the Bus Tracks (B) and inserting a Soft Synth Automation Envelope.


Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: janboi
Date:10/2/2007 7:25:43 PM

I'm using Acid Music 7.0 I go to Content/Custom sound sets/ etc and everything sounds like a piano.

Subject:RE: Midi sounds lousy... what can I do?
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:10/3/2007 5:14:54 AM

I don't have ACID Music 7 so I don't know what "Content/Custom" is (I use ACID Pro 6) but the DLS Soft Synth that comes with ACID 6 has a full range of instruments. You just need to select the instrument you want from the list. You can also add more Soft Synths to ACID Music 7 and some really good ones are free to download from the Internet .

Check out the VST Instruments page of my web site for a list of good commercial and free VSTi's that you can use.


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