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Posted by: mik
Date:5/6/1999 8:30:24 AM

I have recently started experiencing dropouts on playback
while recording from cd's etc.I am not having the same
problem when recording in GOLDWAVE AUDIO EDITOR OR SOUND
RECORDER.I am running 64 ram,300hz pentium 11 processor.The
tech at sonic foundry could not rectify this problem.Any
suggestions please?

Subject:Re: DROPOUTS
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:5/14/1999 12:00:00 AM

How many tracks do you have playing back? ACID is much
more extensive in what it's doing under the hood than
either of the other programs. When it plays back, it needs
to mix all of the tracks together and route them, in
addition to paying attention to the time-stretching stuff.
Does the recording end up being gap-free? If there's a
problem with not enough resources, ACID is written to
consider it's priorities. During recording, the least
important thing is the video display, which would be dumped
first, then the playback, allowing the recording to be the
most important element.

Make sure to defrag your HD, and to not have any
superfluous programs running. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to see
all of the background apps going on, and eliminate any non-
essentials. Also, sometimes there can be issues with the
sound card.

Hope this helps.

mik wrote:
>>I have recently started experiencing dropouts on playback
>>while recording from cd's etc.I am not having the same
>>problem when recording in GOLDWAVE AUDIO EDITOR OR SOUND
>>RECORDER.I am running 64 ram,300hz pentium 11
>>tech at sonic foundry could not rectify this problem.Any
>>suggestions please?

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