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Subject:Questions about ACID
Posted by: AJsomFAN
Date:4/26/1999 1:55:28 AM


Im into(listening) techno music, but lately I been keen to
try make my own music, so I e-mailed some of my favorite
groups and asked whats best to start with if you dont know
shit about making electronic music, and a couple of them
told me to get ACID and REBIRTH. Now Im wondering, if Im
going to make techno music is ACID:dj enough or should I
get something else? And can you make good songs with it? I
mean can you be creative? Or is it just putting together
different loops and it becomes a song? Can I make some
sounds from the REBIRTH and use them as loops in ACID? Ive
read something that you have to ACIDize the sounds first,
do you have to do that with the *.WAVs I got from the
internet too?, or is it just to rockNroll right away?

Well I would be very thankfull for any answer, and sorry if
this is stupid questions, but as I said I dont know squat
about this stuff...But I do like to know more ;-)

.Have a nice day.

Subject:Re: Questions about ACID
Reply by: JMC
Date:4/26/1999 6:54:54 AM

Hi Bjorn,

I've been doing the sort of thing you want to do for a few months

I use ACID Music (excellent program) and Vaz+ (same sort of thing as
Rebirth but not a
Check out my stuff at to see what can be
accomplished with this software.

Get in touch for help/tips & more info etc.....


bjorn wrote:
>>Im into(listening) techno music, but lately I been keen to
>>try make my own music, so I e-mailed some of my favorite
>>groups and asked whats best to start with if you dont know
>>shit about making electronic music, and a couple of them
>>told me to get ACID and REBIRTH. Now Im wondering, if Im
>>going to make techno music is ACID:dj enough or should I
>>get something else? And can you make good songs with it? I
>>mean can you be creative? Or is it just putting together
>>different loops and it becomes a song? Can I make some
>>sounds from the REBIRTH and use them as loops in ACID? Ive
>>read something that you have to ACIDize the sounds first,
>>do you have to do that with the *.WAVs I got from the
>>internet too?, or is it just to rockNroll right away?
>>Well I would be very thankfull for any answer, and sorry if
>>this is stupid questions, but as I said I dont know squat
>>about this stuff...But I do like to know more ;-)
>>.Have a nice day.

Subject:Re: Questions about ACID
Reply by: Michelle
Date:4/26/1999 12:41:47 PM

bjorn wrote:
>>Now Im wondering, if Im
>>going to make techno music is ACID:dj enough or should I
>>get something else? And can you make good songs with it? I
>>mean can you be creative?

Well, from what I understand ACID DJ has a pretty tasty set
of loops. However, the big problem with ACID DJ or any of
the other ACID Styles products is that the program itself is
limited in its capabilities. You can only have 8 loops open
at a time. If you are working with a simple groove and no
one-shots that's OK, but I have projects where I have
several one-shots which are sometimes only heard once, and
way more than 8 loops.

The one thing is that ACID Styles is the most inexpensive
way to get into the ACID family. Sonic Foundry is selling it
for $40 on ACIDPlanet. But if you are willing to spend a
little more the more capable program is ACID Music. This is
the program I use. You can use as many loops as your memory
will allow, and you can mix a project down to a single track
if you so desire. There are many other advantages which are
more than worth the extra cash.

Go get RealPlayer G2 and come visit this URL: . You will find
some compositions I have created with ACID which don't in
any way, shape or form resemble Techno. I have a couple of
techno sounding pieces in there too, but I wanted to show
off a bunch of different styles, from Industrial to Latin
Jazz to Worldbeat to New Age. Given my druthers I usually
come up with something ethnically's just what
interests me.

Any version of ACID you get, however, you should
*immediately* upgrade to the 1.0d version of the engine.
First, get the Direct X version 6 Runtime, and install that
before you install ACID. Then install your copy of the
program. Then apply the patch. The 1.0d patch will smash two
very annoying bugs that can destroy projects you create with
embedded loops. It's a beta only because of the new version
of Windows Streaming Media it supports. Don't worry about
stability...the patch will actually IMPROVE stability in an
already rock-solid program. Oh yeah...don't forget to reboot
after each step of the installation process. Windows needs
to write new information to the Registry in each step that
the other step needs.

Hope this helps!

PS: when you get your copy of ACID, come join the ACID
Casualties Division mailing list. Stop in at http:// for instructions on how to join.
We're users helping users, and we'll be happy to help you
get started.

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