
drbam wrote on 9/18/2007, 7:19 PM
No and neither does V8.
rraud wrote on 9/18/2007, 9:43 PM
Could someone please explain "track folders" to me, and why would they would be useful.

I have been using Vegas for years for audio for video post. I'm from the old school multi-track analog world.

Or.. my wife is feeding me dumb pills, or senility is setting in sooner than I expected.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 9/18/2007, 10:22 PM
He means 'Folder Tracks', and the answer is, sadly, no.

ditroiamusic wrote on 9/19/2007, 10:57 AM
Yes, folder tracks. My mistake. Thank you. I would love to see them in a future release. It just gets crazy with sound effects work. I am only working with one monitor at the moment and even when I minimize the track heights, I still can't fit them all. Oh well. Thank you for the responses.
CDM wrote on 9/20/2007, 8:15 AM
I think I'd prefer the ability to hide tracks altogether. And lock them so nothing about them can be changed.
marks27 wrote on 9/20/2007, 8:38 PM
I think I'd prefer the ability to hide tracks altogether. And lock them so nothing about them can be changed.

I believe that the V8 mix console gives you some of this. No track folders, but you can certainly hide tracks and busses.

CDM wrote on 9/21/2007, 7:45 AM
only in the console. Not on the timeline, which is where I need to be able to manage my space...
cchoy wrote on 10/9/2007, 4:02 PM
Here here!
Hiding tracks would be invaluable!