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Subject:The Mystery of the Acid Vibrato
Posted by: Jess
Date:4/17/1999 12:05:04 AM

After creating a number of acid tracks, I mixed them to one
stereo track. While listening to this I recorded new
material into a second track. When this is played it sounds
as if it has an overall tremolo/vibrato type of effect
applied to it. What might cause this and how can I get rid
of it?
Using win95/64mb ram and my system, though not the world's
fastest, is generally quite good at HD recording.

Subject:Re: The Mystery of the Acid Vibrato
Reply by:
Date:4/19/1999 7:30:33 AM

Hey Jess,
I don't have an answer for you, but I am experiencing a very
problem. So, I thought I'd check and see if there are any other
similarities in our applications.
First of all I'm using an Opcode USB DATport for audio (I don't
think this has anything to do with the tremolo effect - but
4.0 appears to have a problem recognizing it, therefore I am having
problems with effect plug-ins), in addition, I am using 160 MB RAM
a Pentium class running Win98, so we can most likely rule out a
low/limited resource issue.
My problem may be in how I'm importing the WAV files to ACID. I
recorded the raw file with SoundForge without using a sync mode,
therefore, the samples are not locked to the measure for a reference
point. I didn't think to much of this issue until I noticed that I
very difficult to get the editor to not 'snap' to a position.
Therefore, when I finally added or deleted space to compensate for
misalignment the interpreted length of the sound was off by the same
margin. In other words if I inserted 0:0.3 length of silence the
overall length of the sample would not reflect the difference
to only be divisible by 0:1.0 or greater).
As many posts here have already pointed out the number of
is commonly misinterpreted by ACID once the 'loop' sample is
introduced. However, even after using a standard calculation I can
never completely remove the tremolo effect (it gets better, but never
quite right). I am going to try recording the samples differently
see if that makes a difference, but I'm having some synch issues as

Good luck,


Jess wrote:

> After creating a number of acid tracks, I mixed them to one
> stereo track. While listening to this I recorded new
> material into a second track. When this is played it sounds
> as if it has an overall tremolo/vibrato type of effect
> applied to it. What might cause this and how can I get rid
> of it?
> Using win95/64mb ram and my system, though not the world's
> fastest, is generally quite good at HD recording.
> TIA.

Subject:Re: The Mystery of the Acid Vibrato
Reply by:
Date:4/20/1999 4:23:26 AM

More than likely it's a by-product of excessive tempo adjustment.
you take a 150 bpm loop and slow it down to 75 bpm or vice-versa,
get an effect of that type.

Subject:The answer to the Mystery of the Acid Vibrato
Reply by: DBP
Date:7/25/1999 9:44:00 PM

SIMPLE:......after hiting record, just make sure to uncheck the box
that says "make new track follow project tempo". Go for it dude.

Jess King wrote:
>>After creating a number of acid tracks, I mixed them to one
>>stereo track. While listening to this I recorded new
>>material into a second track. When this is played it sounds
>>as if it has an overall tremolo/vibrato type of effect
>>applied to it. What might cause this and how can I get rid
>>of it?
>>Using win95/64mb ram and my system, though not the world's
>>fastest, is generally quite good at HD recording.

Subject:Re: The Mystery of the Acid Vibrato
Reply by: Slickster
Date:6/5/2000 6:01:00 PM

Jess, why would you even mixall your tracks to a new track, when you
have unlimited tracks ?? Do you then discard the originals ?? if not
theres your problem. If so, does it only happen AFTER you did the
mixdown ?? are you doing this ONLY on Acid ? Have you added FX to any
of the track PRIOR to mixing ?? a lot of factors can be causing it
backtrack and trace your steps to find exactly where it first starts
hope this helps


Jess King wrote:
>>After creating a number of acid tracks, I mixed them to one
>>stereo track. While listening to this I recorded new
>>material into a second track. When this is played it sounds
>>as if it has an overall tremolo/vibrato type of effect
>>applied to it. What might cause this and how can I get rid
>>of it?
>>Using win95/64mb ram and my system, though not the world's
>>fastest, is generally quite good at HD recording.

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