Upgrading by money order a pain in the as_ (butt)

TShaw wrote on 9/17/2007, 10:50 AM
In order to upgrade to V8 with a money order Sony wants me to call customer service, and wait on the phone for god knows how long,
just to get an order number.

I live just a few miles from Sherman Ave, but they aren't setup so someone could just drop off a check or money order.

If I wanted to play this kind of BS games I would still be working for the state of Wisconsin.

Looks like I'll pass on any further up grades to Vegas.



jrazz wrote on 9/17/2007, 11:27 AM
Frustrated are we?

j razz
CorTed wrote on 9/17/2007, 11:38 AM
Credit card may do wonders for you
Chienworks wrote on 9/17/2007, 11:46 AM
I prefer debit card; that way there's no credit involved, and to the seller it still likes like a Visa/Master Card.

I wonder why a money order would be any different from a cheque? Wouldn't you just mail it in?
bStro wrote on 9/17/2007, 1:21 PM
Actually, they don't appear to take checks -- just credit card, money order, and wire transfer.

Payment options

TShaw wrote on 9/17/2007, 6:02 PM
"Frustrated are we?"

Not any more.

I'm moving to another NLE.


John_Cline wrote on 9/17/2007, 6:49 PM
That's ridiculous. It's 2007, get a debit card.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/17/2007, 7:05 PM
Not any more.

Good luck. Uness you plan to go to Best Buy (or simular) you're going to have a hard time. I checked Adobe, Avid & Pinnacle: no mention of any way to purchase directly from them unless you use a CC.
bStro wrote on 9/18/2007, 7:09 AM
Frankly, I think you're lucky they even take money orders at all. I doubt most online retailers do.

Did you ever even try calling customer service?

Steve Mann wrote on 9/18/2007, 8:24 PM
I haven't seen a money order in years. Do they still sell them?

It's hard to imagine anyone in the 21st century without credit or debit cards, but I do somehow manage to frequently get behind someone in the supermarket checkout line (usually a little old lady) who waits until the total is showing on the register before she even begins to look for her checkbook.

There should be a surcharge for people like that.

TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/19/2007, 7:09 AM
course they still sell there. some places won't accept CC/Debit cards (got fingerprinted for work: required a check, cashiers check or MO).
ECB wrote on 9/19/2007, 8:05 AM
"It's hard to imagine anyone in the 21st century without credit or debit cards, but I do somehow manage to frequently get behind someone in the supermarket checkout line (usually a little old lady) who waits until the total is showing on the register before she even begins to look for her checkbook."

Be kind Steve, some day you are going to be a little old man. :)

bStro wrote on 9/19/2007, 9:33 AM
Be kind Steve, some day you are going to be a little old man. :)

Yeah, but at least he won't be using checks in stores. ;-) Granted, by that point, all the young people will pay by waving their chip-implanted hands across the checkout scanner, and us old people will be wasting everyone's time while we swipe our old-technology debit cards.

TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/19/2007, 9:48 AM
FYI, walmart doesn't accept debit cards. At least my walmart doesn't. So I have to use a check!
Chienworks wrote on 9/19/2007, 10:46 AM
Every wal*mart i go to accepts debit cards. Actually, i can't think of the last time i went to a store that didn't accept debit cards. I can buy 59 cents worth of french fries at McDonalds with my debit card. Most of the little mom&pop shops in my area accept Visa & Mastercard debit cards and in fact aren't even aware that they're not swiping a credit card.

Now, if you mean a bank's own ATM card, then i would agree that you're not going to find many places that accept that.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/19/2007, 11:13 AM
for my bank mastercard debit = atm. Just my local walmart won't accept it. no clue why. They 100% refuse. Noy just my bank's but all debit cards.
bStro wrote on 9/19/2007, 12:05 PM
Walmart stopped taking MasterCard debit cards years ago. Visa debit cards are, last I read, okay. Also, MasterCard debit cards are acceptable if you enter your PIN (which usually costs you a fee) instead of sign (which would cost Walmart a fee).

Clicky for more info.

TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/19/2007, 6:46 PM
i only get fees if I use ATM's with my debit (or credit) card. Hence I don't use it. Plus I don't know my PIN. :) But my bank doesn't offer any fraud protection on the card (none I know of anyway) so I use my CC for anything more then groceries/gas & for all online purchases.

Ironicly, walmart complains the cost is to high yet the local pizza guy takes them. And the local hardware store. And Target, grocery stores, etc. Walmart doesn't even accept checks anymore, they just do e-checks. Walmart lost a LOT of business from me when they did that. I used to shop there every week & now shop there for ~$100 of items all year. I drive 20 miles to target instead.

but back on topic.... at least sony takes money orders. :D
TShaw wrote on 9/21/2007, 3:01 PM
And the winner is: EDIUS Broadcast or FCP.

Way to go Sony, make it a pain in the butt for your customers to give you money.
Now thats a great business plan!

John_Cline wrote on 9/21/2007, 3:21 PM
Upgrading to each version of Vegas has been absolutely painless for me. I give them my credit card number and download the new version immediately. Sony hasn't made it a "pain in the butt", Terry, YOU have made it difficult on yourself. Not having a credit card or, if you have one, being unwilling to use it, now that's a great business decision! Enjoy your new NLE.