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Subject:feature request:regions setting from plugin envelo
Posted by: CosmicD
Date:7/8/2007 5:04:12 AM


I was editing this sound that I wanted to have multiple effect passes on, just not always the same effect in the same area.. It needed to be some kind of lazer beam pass with a doppler effect and used pan and pitch envelopes on it.

I woulder if it was possible to add a feature to all plugins that have envelope points (like pan, envelope or pitch bend envelope, you can rightclick on that ponit and set this point as region in your wave files on the exact place where that envelope place is in your plugin edit dialog. So it is according to the envelope points you set in there...

this way you can divide your wave file into regions that you know will have the envelope points and you can have some kind of 'helper frame' to support you in your mental image of where you wanted a new effect to come...

Related to this, it would be nice if one could export the envelope to a special template that is independent of the effect. So let's say if I make a square vibrato envelope with 7 envelope points, it would be nice that you can save that to a 'envelope template' of some sort, and then bring this same envelope up in the panner, or pitch bender...


Message last edited on7/8/2007 5:08:57 AM byCosmicD.

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