24p question

Eugenia wrote on 7/7/2007, 2:54 PM
When I create a new project and I tell it to abide to a 24p video, it does it, even if VMS8 does not support 24p. When I place a 24p video in the timeline, it seems to work ok too. However, how "ok" that is? I mean, the timeline is 30fps so that would mean that there would be an A/V out of sync, no?

So basically, what I am asking is, can we use 24p videos on a 24p-forced project on VMS?


Chienworks wrote on 7/7/2007, 3:15 PM
If you set the project properties to 24p, then the timeline is 24p. Adding 24p video to a 24p project results in perfect frame sync. What makes you think that Vegas doesn't support 24p?

Even if your project properties were still 29.9700299700fps instead of 24, Vegas resamples the frames to keep everything in sync.

I haven't used Vegas Movie Studio since version 2 back when it was Video Factory. However, i believe if you right-mouse-button click in the preview window you'll get a little popup menu. One of the options may be "Show Status Bar" or "Show Info". If you turn this on then you'll get a display of the current project settings right beneath the preview. I find this to be very handy.
Eugenia wrote on 7/7/2007, 3:31 PM
>What makes you think that Vegas doesn't support 24p?

Because I am talking about Movie Studio Platinum, not Vegas Pro. From what I know, there is no consumer NLE that supports 24p, as they reserve this ability for their Pro versions. This is why I am asking this question: if I force the project's properties to 24p, will it work correctly all the way through the editing process?
ScottW wrote on 7/7/2007, 4:57 PM
In VMS the lack of 24p support is in rendering output from the timeline - that doesn't mean it won't happily ingest (and behave correctly with) 24p clips placed on the timeline, converting as needed to match the output format.

Eugenia wrote on 7/7/2007, 5:28 PM
> is in rendering output from the timeline

What does that mean exactly? What does it not let me do?
Chienworks wrote on 7/7/2007, 5:36 PM
Well, once again i freely admit that i don't have the Studio version installed here. However, under Advanced Render you can click the custom button and for many of the output formats you can manually select various parameters such as frame size and frame rate. I do recall doing some 24fps MPEG rendering back with version 2 ages ago so i know i was able to set it then.

But as far as editing is concerned, if you set the project properties to 24p then you are editing in 24p.
Eugenia wrote on 7/7/2007, 5:48 PM
I know that the codecs can output in 24p, I already tried that. But when I right click in that space right above the timeline (sorry, can't remember how it's called), there's a list and the 24p option is not listed there, even if the project and the clips are 24p. This is where my concern lies mostly.
Chienworks wrote on 7/7/2007, 5:57 PM
"Ruler", by the way.

Those are presents for convenience, but they don't define the whole of Vegas' possibilities. If you've set the project properties to a frame rate of 24 and the field order to none you have set the project to 24p. If you then leave the ruler set to Time and Frames then the ruler will also be showing 24p. It's pretty much that simple and easy.

I guess an important thing to keep in mind is that most of the format choices you see in Vegas are merely suggested shortcuts. You can override almost all of them. Hey, if you want 21fps then just type in 21 for the frame rate. Doesn't matter that it isn't listed, just type what you want if it's not there.