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Subject:DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Posted by: Sonic74
Date:4/22/2007 12:07:47 PM

Hey everyone - I feel I've seen a thread on this somewhere but all of the searching I'm doing isn't bringing up anything, so I'll ask it again...

in SF9, all of my VST plug-ins are working fine, but DirectX plugs that worked fine in SF8 are suddenly not working. I uninstalled them and reinstalled them, and I can actually see them in the plug-in manager (which is ponting to the right location for all of them), but when I try to select them to run a process, I get an error message saying "An error occured during an edit operation. The item was not found."

What gives? I'm sure this is probably an easy fix, but I can't find any info on it. Any help out there? Thanks!

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: Big Mother
Date:5/3/2007 8:32:59 AM

I have the same problem but only with my UAD-1 DX plugs.
Anyone have a solution?

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: jplat
Date:5/4/2007 3:12:27 PM

I have the same problem also! Need a solution real quick! All of my Sony software, including Acid and Vegas exhibit the same problem. It happened right after I installed the SF9 demo from the demo dvd I got at the NAB show.


Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: Big Mother
Date:5/6/2007 7:27:47 AM

I am also getting an error message with my UAD-1 vst plugs, they at least show up but will not process, buffer error message, so no UAD-1 for anything in 9, opened SF8 and everything works, any solutions?

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: Big Mother
Date:5/10/2007 11:10:41 AM

Anyone have any advice or a solution?
I am having to use SF8, everything works perfect there.
Dont get me wrong, I love using SF8, but I shelled out the cash to upgrade to 9, and it just wont run UAD-1 plugs on my machine.

Kind of a show stopper for me

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: ForumAdmin
Date:5/11/2007 11:18:18 AM

We're looking at it.

What version is your UAD-1 software?
Is it all UAD-1 plug-ins, or just specific ones?

FWIW, I was using version 4.6 VSTs without these issues before I pulled the card for someone else.


Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/7/2007 10:05:50 PM

I can't tell you how disappointed I was to upgrade from 8 to 9 to find I lost all ability to use my UAD plugs.

After a long year of dealing with sonar and UAD problems, and finally trashing my old computer for a new computer build, I was finally able to reliably run sonar and UAD plugs.

All this while, Sound forge 8 worked fine. I decided to drop the $100 to upgrade and found I couldn't run UAD plugs in 9, while 8 still worked fine.

I updated to 9a, and everything seems fine.

So it is very mixed feelings I say thanks for 9a. I am glad it works now, but this should never have happened. I hope it is now stable and I don't have to go through debugging hell. Yeah - I am a software architect for HP by day. But I want to be a producer/musician at home, not a software test engineer.

- tim

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: keano12
Date:10/8/2007 8:46:24 PM

I have SF 9.0c 405 and UAd plugs don't work and neither does IK Multimedia T-Racks plugs. So are you saying they work in SF 9.0 version A? Can I uninstall and go backwards?

Subject:RE: DIrect-X Plug-Ins Not Working in SF9
Reply by: kbruff
Date:10/12/2007 12:21:26 PM

I am sorry guys, I love Sound Forge all the way up from version 4.
SF9 is exciting but it does not support UAD pluggins, without a strange behind the scenes adjustment.

I have since reverted to SF8.0D also as I have stated many times it is a good idea to have two editors on the same machine. Hence WAVELAB 6.01b continues to be solid and does everything I need it to. Therefore my editing tools are SF8 and WL6.

Sony please check this out, it has been a sad thing not having access to my main mastering tool set.

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