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Posted by: pmooney
Date:6/6/2007 7:39:56 AM

I know someone else already mentioned this on the forum, but it is important enough to reiterate....

PLEASE PUT THE LOOP TUNER back into Sound Forge 9!!!

This product can not be considered an UPGRADE when a major component has been removed. That tool is one of the most useful tools I have ever used and it is sad to have to carry two versions of Sound Forge on my computer because of this oversight.

Please Sony, do the right thing!

Reply by: YB
Date:6/6/2007 7:22:29 PM

I agree - we use this all the time in the video game industry, and due to this tool being removed I've had to revert back to SF8.0 - to do my job which is painful after shelling out for 2 copies.

I've spoken with a lot of other sound designers who use SF9 and they too have had to revert back to SF8 to create loops.

Message last edited on6/6/2007 7:35:18 PM byYB.
Reply by: timo75
Date:6/7/2007 11:49:26 AM

I also strongly agree. Since the loop tuner is gone now, and also the fact that markers aren't centered anymore on screen after pressing ctrl-left/ctrl-right, making loops is almost not possible anymore.

As I mentioned allready in an older thread, creating loops is one of the main things I do in SF. Instead of the loop tuner, I used regular markers to select entry and exit points of the loop. Then toggling between this both markers with ctrl-left/right gave me a visual control of how the loop point fitted.

The loop tuner is doing nearly the same thing - I could get used to it instead, but also this tool has been removed.

But I hope, as I had a long discussion with the support about this, they will at least bring back the center issue. Let's hope they get serious and bring back the loop tuner also!

Reply by: rraud
Date:6/7/2007 3:06:00 PM

I don't use the loop tuner much so I don't miss it like Timo and others, However the markers not being centered anymore on screen after pressing ctrl-left/ctrl-right impedes my work flow.

Reply by: deusx
Date:6/7/2007 4:58:43 PM

Can't you just use some basic math.

For example, In a 4/4 signature, if you have a music piece at 120bpm, then devide that by 60 and you have 2 seconds.

So from the beginning of your loop, just drag,2,4,6, 10 whatever seconds you need and it's done.

if it's some other bpm, same applies it'll just be different time interval to select. This always seemed to be the easiest way to do loops, because you can't miss. If you start right at the first beat, it will always end just before the last beat and will loop perfectly.

Message last edited on6/7/2007 5:03:24 PM bydeusx.
Reply by: timo75
Date:6/8/2007 9:59:56 AM

Oh dear, listen, deusx, there are many many other loops than drumbased ones. Imagine an athmospheric loop, like a envolving pad. No 4/4, no maths or else. Recently, I had to do an environemental loop with wind, birds etc. So, how do you count on this one??? We are not talking about drum loops here, but loops in genaral, means, pieces of sound that can be played as a loop. Think about websites, games, DVDs, ...!

Reply by: Iacobus
Date:6/8/2007 3:04:06 PM

Well, to be honest, the only use I had for the Loop Tuner was to use its "ending/beginning" interface, which came in pretty handy. Other than that, I never used its "find next zero-crossing" feature. (Doing that would adversely affect its length and thus its tempo, which can produce some undesirable results in something like ACID Pro.)

I'd rather do everything manually myself, like draw in zero-crossings or simply apply a fade.

Actually, if I just had a "ending/beginning"-type interface that lets me edit manually, I'd be quite happy with that. Anyone else?


Reply by: Buckskin
Date:6/9/2007 1:50:54 AM

Actually, if I just had a "ending/beginning"-type interface that lets me edit manually, I'd be quite happy with that. Anyone else?

Exactly what I need. I use this for looping instrument multi-samples. Cello, french horn etc.... I can manually find the loops better than any of my colleagues that use auto loop tuners. But I need a simple way to move the loop points 1-5 samples while listening to the loop.

Reply by: deusx
Date:6/10/2007 5:35:43 PM

>>>We are not talking about drum loops here, but loops in genaral, means, pieces of sound that can be played as a loop<<<

Neither am I.

No mater what the loop is if you do the math, ( as in the simplest example of 120 bpm / 60 = 2 sec. )

Use that number and any multiples of it will work.

It also makes no difference what the time sinature is, just different math to apply in that case.

So if it's some atmospheric loop as you say ( but still music ) , you still have to listen and decide where the cut will be. Once you find it then you go to the beginning of the loop and drag to the chosen end point, (exactly the multiple of the number you got that's closest to the point you decided to use), and cut there. Perfect loop every time..

If it's just nature, winds, birds, math doesn't apply, but that's even easier. Never had a problem with those, as I can cut in many different positions.

Message last edited on6/10/2007 5:42:12 PM bydeusx.
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:6/11/2007 10:48:00 AM

"I can manually find the loops better than any of my colleagues that use auto loop tuners. But I need a simple way to move the loop points 1-5 samples while listening to the loop."

There are "auto loop tuners?" o.O

I know the "sample loop" in and out points already move sample-by-sample so it'd be just a matter of getting that ending/beginning interface.

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