Best method for Text

Cincyfilmgeek wrote on 5/5/2007, 9:15 AM
I was just wondering what is the best method for text, especially when just fadding to a black screen with text? Should I keep the text on the same track as the video or should I seperate it into its own track. If I keep it in a seperate track and I am using reel paks it seems the black doesn't seem to adjust well. Just curious to what everyone does? Thanks.


UKAndrewC wrote on 5/5/2007, 12:43 PM
It really depends what you are compositing. I generally keep text on a separate track so that it is easier to edit. e.g. track can be muted.

Not sure what you mean by the 'black doesn't adjust well'?

farss wrote on 5/5/2007, 2:09 PM
The default black in Vegas is too black. Change the value to 16:16:16 and it'll match what comes out of your camera.

Cincyfilmgeek wrote on 5/7/2007, 8:24 PM
Pardon my stupidity but how does one change the black settings?
TipiMan wrote on 5/8/2007, 2:22 AM
Go to: Options, Preferences, then select the video tab. At the bottom right you see a small rectangular box proceeded by the text "Track fade bottom:

Click on this box and the Track Fade Bottom Color dialog box opens. Set the RGB values to 16, 16, 16 respectively.

Click "ok"

Click "Apply" on the Preferences dialog box the click "ok"

farss wrote on 5/8/2007, 2:52 AM
If you were creating white text on a black background then you'll find the settings under the Properties tab, change the Background Color to 16,16,16.

Cincyfilmgeek wrote on 5/8/2007, 7:46 AM
Thank you.