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Subject:Multichannel Wav file question
Posted by: oblio98
Date:4/18/2007 2:40:46 PM

I have been using Vegas and SF for years in creating DTS and DVD-Audio Surround Discs from old quadraphonic tapes, and the release of SF9 has really made the process a lot easier. I love the fact that I can dump the 4 mono files into a 4 channel wav file and listen to them and work on them all at once.

However, in order to create the DVD-A or DTS CD, those programs require 4 mono files. My question is this. Once I am done and ready to roll, is there a way to save the finished 4 channel wav file as 4 mono files without cutting and pasting the channels into empty mono files?

I looked through the documentation, and could not find anything like this. If I open the 4 channel wav file in Audition, it opens it as 4 mono files, but that is an extra step it would be nice to do without, since I am not that familiar with Audition.


Message last edited on4/18/2007 2:41:44 PM byoblio98.
Subject:RE: Multichannel Wav file question
Reply by: ForumAdmin
Date:4/18/2007 3:15:09 PM

There's no native support for this, but you could write up a script to do the grunt work for you in pretty short order. Then it would just function as a single operation (scripts can be invoked as menu items or toolbar buttons).

Visit the scripting forum for pointers.


Message last edited on4/18/2007 3:17:40 PM byForumAdmin.
Subject:RE: Multichannel Wav file question
Reply by: MarkWWWW
Date:4/19/2007 5:17:53 AM

Could I also add my request for some smart person to write such a script please - it would make a huge improvement in ease of use for some of the things I often need to do.

And if it could be arranged that the split out mono files would preserve the bext chunk (BWF Time/Date information, etc) from the multichannel file that would be just fantastic.


Subject:RE: Multichannel Wav file question
Reply by: oblio98
Date:4/19/2007 2:30:51 PM

Thanks for the response, "ForumAdmin". It would be nice if a version 9.0a (or future release) would allow for a "Save As" function to save the surround file as File(1), File(2), etc. when you need to have individual files for encoding to DTS or MLP.

Other than this, this upgrade is superb!

Subject:RE: Multichannel Wav file question
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:4/19/2007 3:44:42 PM

Yes, highlight the channel you want , Copy then use Paste-To-New. You don't need to create an empty mono file first. Takes mere seconds.


Message last edited on4/19/2007 3:45:21 PM byGeoff_Wood.

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