Where can high school kids submit short film?

dpetto wrote on 3/7/2007, 7:55 PM
Hi All,

I'm sorry that this is a little off track as far as this forum goes, but I know there is so much knowledge out there amongst you all that I just had to ask.

Some of our local high school kids did a 15 minute film for school (which I thought was pretty darn good) and they were wondering if there are any contests or competitions that it could be entered into. Any information would be much appreciated.

Thanks much.

Dave P.


p@mast3rs wrote on 3/7/2007, 8:06 PM
There are various film festivals going on currently. I know Lee County has a festival with a dead line of March 9th. If you want I can give you the info for submission. Typically I get stuff in my mailbox at school announcing festivals.
Laurence wrote on 3/7/2007, 10:35 PM
Don't forget Youtube and Stage6.com
Robert-N-LA wrote on 4/1/2007, 1:19 PM
I screen for a festival here in LA called DANCES WITH FILMS. We only accept competition films from unknown filmmakers -- meaning, no stars, no established producers, directors, writers, etc. "Established" is defined as "a person who could get you funding" -- working actors are fine.

So, your students will be competing with a wide variety of filmmakers... but not Steven Speilberg, or even Sophia Coppala.

Check us out at www.danceswithfilms.com
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/1/2007, 2:56 PM
check out any local play house, arts center, etc. they may know what's going on too.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/1/2007, 5:09 PM

Do a Google using "film festivals" and/or "high school."

richard-courtney wrote on 4/1/2007, 5:39 PM
Our local movie theater (with digital projectors) has one or two special showings a year.