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Subject:Is there a way to visually see my levels?
Posted by: Luckyzl230
Date:3/21/2007 8:22:44 PM

Thought I was going well until I started playing the songs in different CD players! Though the songs seemed good in the studio with the Monitors; When I play them in other CD players the bass is either way to loud or way to low!
After awhile I thought that since I didn’t have a sub hooked up in the studio then that would explain the reason for the bass not being heard while mixing the music. So, I went and got a sub! But still, the sub doesn’t pick up all the different levels of bass there are and I am back at the same situation.
My question is: Is there a way I can actually visually see the levels on an EQ? I know I can adjust the levels all I want, but there has to be a way to see how hard the bass hits on different sounds. Some sounds have a much deeper bass than others. If there is a way to see the levels then I could adjust them to hit how I want. There is no way I'm going back in forth from my car stereo and studio just to get the bass right.

I know there has to be something I'm overlooking!
Can someone help me out with this?

Subject:RE: Is there a way to visually see my levels?
Reply by: RMS
Date:3/22/2007 10:23:49 AM

Try inserting a couple of Spectrum Analyzers in your chain. One before and one after your EQ.
You can then see what effect your EQ has.

Hope this helps.


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