Musical score highlights

RickD wrote on 3/3/2007, 9:13 AM
I am looking for advice on how to achieve a particular effect in the most efficient manner. Although I have been using Vegas for several years my typical projects only require very rudimentary editing so I know very little about advanced features.

This project will consist of still photographs of a musical score for four part chorus and an audio track of a performance of the piece. The still photographs will be successive sections of the score and will be on screen for a few seconds each while the music for that particular shot is being heard.

The four voices of the chorus are singing the same words but with slightly different note durations and rhythmic variation. This video will be intended for non-musicians who want to look at the music and watch the text for each voice get highlighted as it is being sung.

I have already created the still photos track and audio track but now I need to create some type of effects track that will allow me to strategically place opaque rectangles around the text in time with the music. Can you suggest some approaches I might take to accomplish this?


Chienworks wrote on 3/3/2007, 9:24 AM
Place the musical score on track 2 and a solid color generated media on track one. Set the opacity of track one to a relatively low value, maybe 20% at a first guess. Use Pan/Crop change the shape and size of the rectangle and place it where you need it to highlight the words. Use keyframes on Pan/Crop to reposition it for each new phrase. Set the keyframes to Hold so that the rectangle doesn't drift, but remains still until it snaps to the next location.
RickD wrote on 3/3/2007, 10:58 AM
Thanks Chienworks.

I tried your suggestion and it seems to be just what I want.