Dream Sequence Transition?

GoldenPlates wrote on 2/7/2007, 9:55 AM
I'm editing a video where my son falls asleep, becomes restless and then begins dreaming.

I want to insert a transition between the beginning of him dreaming and the rest of the video (which is a dream sequence) so that viewers will clearly know they're watching his dream.

Does anyone have a recommended transition from sleeping to dreaming that you've used?

Alternatively, have you put a video effect on a dream sequence to differentiate it from non-dreaming portions?


rustier wrote on 2/7/2007, 12:02 PM
You have a lot of options. You could add some light noise texture - use keyframing to add motion. You could add some radial blur. You could play with Median.You can add some clouds with limited opacity. A classic sound to add is a harp strum. You could add some gausian blur around the edges - or just blur the dream a little to remind the viewer they are still in the dream. You could add or take away color with filters. . .
jimmyz wrote on 2/7/2007, 12:34 PM
glow filter
pjfarr wrote on 2/9/2007, 1:54 PM
How about the classic ripple effect, where the "real life" sequence ripples into the dream sequence?

I figured out a reasonable way to do this a few years back. Here's a tutorial of how I did it...

Click HERE.

autopilot wrote on 2/10/2007, 2:20 AM
Believe it or not, I needed this exact same thing a couple months ago. I believe we used Media Generators>Marble Light Grain, with X & Y Offset up to 5, and Opacity about 40%. It gives it that hazy look, but we had the person "fall asleep" first to show that she was "dreaming". You could then keyframe it to have the haziness move across the screen.