
Grazie wrote on 1/12/2007, 11:27 PM
WOW! Thanks Randy. Great stuff.
Grazie wrote on 1/12/2007, 11:54 PM
DSE's "innovative" use of ARTBEATS proxies, to provide a "sketch" of what CAN be possible - IDEAS creation for/with my client - was a revelation!

The Kino Gil piece should be essential viewing by ANY of us serious about editing.

Randy, once again thank you. You've got me thinking, and more aware of some options that I was needing to access.

I can see an excellent business model taking shape in my mind.


randy-stewart wrote on 1/13/2007, 12:11 AM
Your welcome. Yes, very innovative...but that's VASST.
farss wrote on 1/13/2007, 2:47 AM
And the whole time I was watching the two videos on using stock footage I was thinking how much better it could be if MM could track where I downloaded them from and how much they'd cost. Add in some stock music that'd cost moeny if used and I guess you can see where I'm heading, instant project pricing.
Spot|DSE wrote on 1/13/2007, 8:39 AM
Dunno about the cost, but MM remembering where from they were downloaded is a brilliant idea. The cost isn't embedded in the link, but if there was some way to have a User Defined MM field that could be exported to Excel...
Glad you like it the vids, Grazie. It's an experiment on our part, and so far, we're kinda neutral on it. The only comment we've thus far received was a racist one about Kino Gil's CostaRican accent, so we're not sure we want to go down this road.
We'll be giving it some time, but any input is always welcome, of course.
fldave wrote on 1/13/2007, 8:40 AM
Great videos, great rapid "prototyping". Kino's piece was excellent, also.

If you snoop around the related videos, a good excerpt for the V1/FX7 picture profile usage, also.
garo wrote on 1/13/2007, 11:22 AM
I am afraid I was inadvertently responsable for the comment on the video SPOT is refering to. In a discusion with my son about the video he we discussed certain differences in pronunciation. He's biligual but needs more training in spoken English. I told him that some oriental people, for example, have, at time,s difficulty in pronouncing "r" - big deal - so what? His posting was a sort of adolesent inquiry and was totally (and understandably) misinterpreted. So much for Internet communications ..... I don't see the posting now and sincerlly extend my apologies for any personal discomport this may have incited. I am raised in a non judgemental social atmosphier and my son has also that strength built into his upbringing.