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Subject:Extracting loudness/volume
Posted by: sound-kobo
Date:1/13/2007 5:28:02 AM

Each region in a file is a spoken word in a sentence. I need a way to get the average loudness (RMS?) of each region (word) returned as a percentage. Can this be done with scripting?

Also, is it possible to extract the volume info of the waveform into numbers taken at specific intervals for redrawing a rudimentary representation of the waveform in another program (ie Flash)? Or, should I use a third party program for something like this?

thanks... I hope this is enough info to start solving this problem...

Subject:RE: Extracting loudness/volume
Reply by: _TJ
Date:1/13/2007 2:13:58 PM

You can do this using statistics over an SfAudioSelection. see the
StatisticsTest.cs script in the SDK

Subject:RE: Extracting loudness/volume
Reply by: sound-kobo
Date:1/13/2007 6:50:39 PM

Thank you.. That seems like the place to start.

What is ReadAudio() used for then?

Sorry for asking silly questions...

Subject:RE: Extracting loudness/volume
Reply by: sound-kobo
Date:1/13/2007 7:46:22 PM

Is there an example somewhere of using SfAudioSelection to walk through an audio file in specific time increments or by markers?

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