HD Audio Settings

Billy d wrote on 12/21/2006, 8:15 AM
I'm going to do some tests to see whether I can make HD shorts (from photos and wild sound - pan and scan etc). No "real" footage - no camera!

What audio settings should I use for an HD project in Vegas 7?
Do all the HD formats use the same audio settings?
What HD format should I pick for delivery to say, broadcasters such as television?

Oh boy, isn't technology great. :-)


JJKizak wrote on 12/21/2006, 8:38 AM
Not sure but I think HD audio is DTS 7.1. Do not take this to the bank since I have contracted the fatal disease "NBS"---Nomenclature Brevity Syndrome.

Billy d wrote on 12/21/2006, 9:46 AM
Thanks, but I see Vegas7c only offers 5.1 surround and sample rates up to 192K at 24bits.
I would hope Vegas does/will support HD sound.
Whatever it is.