Making trails

eyethoughtso wrote on 11/18/2006, 11:53 AM
I would like to make the effect of trails following my subjects. Not in every scene but kinda like what you see when you're on acid. Ooops! I means like what my friends would tell me what effect they would see when THEY were on acid, back in the experimental years, when everybody was trying it. I mean, they're not doing it anymore. Even the Beatles did it back then and nobody said nothing. Hey! Get off my back! I just want ot make some trails, man! (LOL)


Tom Pauncz wrote on 11/18/2006, 12:32 PM
Check out Pixelan Spice FX. I think it has one that you need.
rs170a wrote on 11/18/2006, 12:37 PM
Put a second copy of the scene on a lower track. Drop the opacity of both events to 50%. Now slide the second copy forwards or backwards 5 or more frames to get the desired effect. Be careful though or you may end up suffering flashbacks :-)

farss wrote on 11/18/2006, 12:47 PM
Make the video buss visible. RClick the header and insert Motion Blur Envelope, adjust number of frames to suite taste.

Under Project Properties select the type of Motion Blur. You'll probably want one of the asymmetric variants, Gaussian would be what I'd go for.

watti wrote on 11/18/2006, 5:05 PM
Thank you Bob, nice to learn new tricks.
Grazie wrote on 11/18/2006, 11:18 PM
This IS a very kewl FX. Been using it for speeded-up pedestrians and traffic scenes around London. The clients luv it!

Try it on some Vegas animated TEXT too. Do a quick SHIFT+B to get a RAM Built Render to see it in all its glory.

farss wrote on 11/19/2006, 1:42 AM
If it's Vegas generated media such as Text, don't forget Supersampling too, this can let you simulate the effect of slow shutter speeds, very 'kewl' too.
apit34356 wrote on 11/19/2006, 2:12 AM
Thank you Bob for reminding me about the master video bus and adding blur points! I need to start using vegas more, its so much fun.
farss wrote on 11/19/2006, 2:36 AM
MB is a very powerful tool that I've used a lot. I've used it to rescue really clapped out VHS with great success.

MB lets you integrate (stack if you like) multiple frames so the errors average out. You cannot use it on everything else it'll look like a bad trip however on static shots it's very effective.
On one job the shot was static and so was the speaker, so 'rigid' in fact that I was able to mask out the lips and eyes into a new background built using MB, they did move but so slowly that the effect of the MB wasn't noticable. What was noticable was I'd removed the noise and the tearing in the frame due to a creased tape.

FuTz wrote on 11/19/2006, 8:47 AM
You can also copy your track, rendered with motion blur on top and mask out the unwanted part of the pic (everything that's not going to leave a trail) with bezier mask / feathered so it blends with the second track that's "crisp".
dragonseyewizard wrote on 11/19/2006, 12:54 PM
Although I haven't tried farss' tip (sounds great!) I did a simple motion trial with just two tracks in Vegas.

See it explained here
eyethoughtso wrote on 11/19/2006, 8:34 PM
Thanks everybody. These lessons are too cool.
