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Subject:Arm For Record Button Dis-arms on SAVE
Posted by: nutrapuppy
Date:9/30/2006 11:47:09 AM

I save my projects very frequently as a matter of course. I notice that most of the time when I have a track ready to record and get everything just right, when I hit SAVE the armed track(s) come out of record. This does not ALWAYS happen.

What changes this behavior? Is there a way I can make it NEVER change the Record Arm button when I hit SAVE? Why does it do this in the first place, from a design perspective?

Subject:RE: Arm For Record Button Dis-arms on SAVE
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:10/1/2006 6:19:31 AM

I've seen this too

George Ware

Subject:RE: Arm For Record Button Dis-arms on SAVE
Reply by: pwppch
Date:10/1/2006 5:27:38 PM

We are looking into it.


Subject:RE: Arm For Record Button Dis-arms on SAVE
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/2/2006 10:37:41 AM

So far the only scenario I have found that causes tracks to disarm has been when doing a Save As of a MIDI clip in the Piano Roll editor. I have bugged this to be looked at. Does this sound like what you are seeing or is it something else?


Subject:RE: Arm For Record Button Dis-arms on SAVE
Reply by: nutrapuppy
Date:10/2/2006 6:12:48 PM

Currently I am using Audio only, no MIDI tracks. No plugins enabled other than the default track EQ.

Thanks for looking into it.

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