Different way to record VO

Coursedesign wrote on 9/28/2006, 3:33 PM
For a long time I used a V.O. box for voice overs, i.e. a small box with acoustic foam on the inside and enough room for mic, script, and light, as per building instructions here a few years ago.

Sounds good, but still picks up quite a bit of room sound so you need to really kill all other sound sources and reflective areas.

For one recent job where I was in a hurry and didn't feel like setting up the above, I decided to try a Countryman E6i headset microphone with an omni capsule instead.

Result? Truly superb audio quality. No plosives. Exceptional damping of room sounds. Not the chesty sound you sometimes get with lavs. Setup time about 1 minute (to shape the "boom").

This will be my #1 VO mike from now on, with very very few exceptions.

This is not an ultracheap mike, almost $300 with a hardwired XLR, but it is worth every penny and making money for me nearly every day with less setup hassle.

The E6i is a new version of the classic E6, it's more durable and comes in oodles of varieties for different needs: omni, cardioid, hypercardioid patterns, sensitivity regular/theater/screamin' rock, four different colors, your choice of several dozen different plugs or unterminated, and each mic comes with three caps so you can adjust the treble frequency response to your talent's voice.


Laurence wrote on 10/2/2006, 7:00 AM
I'll check it out. I just did a job where the soundman was using some kind of tiny Countryman lav that seemed about half the size of a regular lav. What great sound though. We used it on a small fishing boat micing the fishing guide who was taking us out. The sound was just wonderful in spite of the motor just a few feet away. Countryman makes some great ENG mics.
Pullmanite wrote on 10/2/2006, 8:51 AM
Where did you buy it? I can't find it for less than $360.
Coursedesign wrote on 10/2/2006, 8:54 AM
That would be the Countryman B6, also one of my favorites.

Super easy to conceal, sweat proof, and most importantly, great sound.
Coursedesign wrote on 10/2/2006, 8:57 AM
I bought it at Northern Sound & Light. They are an authorized dealer with great service.