Fine control of event opacity/gain?

Maestro wrote on 7/25/2006, 11:41 AM
Hey all,

I know there's a way to have precise control over envelope points using the ctrl and shift keys, but is there a way to get this control with event opacity (fade in/fade out) and gain for the audio events? I'm tired of having an event I'd like to fade in for 2:00 and the having the fade in time jump from 1:29 to 2:01 because I'm zoomed out too far. Likewise for audio gain, I want -5.0dB and it jumps around from 4.6 to 5.3 unless I make the track the height of a house.

There's got to be a better way. Suggestions?


Former user wrote on 7/25/2006, 1:59 PM
As far setting the level at a particular point -- just right-click the point and choose "Set to..." and enter the exact percentage or db you want...
Maestro wrote on 7/25/2006, 2:38 PM
That works for envelope points but not for the event opacity/gain. Thanks though...
Spot|DSE wrote on 7/25/2006, 2:39 PM
Or just hold the CTRL key while adjusting.
Chienworks wrote on 7/25/2006, 5:24 PM
Or double-click on the percentage value. It turns into a text entry box and you can type in a value.
Maestro wrote on 7/25/2006, 10:27 PM
I believe you guys are referring to *track* opacity or gain, and I'm referring to *event* opacity or gain. For the track values, you're correct, both of those techniques work. I'm looking for a way to make that work for events. That is, I want to grab the top line of an event and minutely adjust the gain or opacity that way. Likewise, I'd like to adjust the fade in/fade out of an event the same way. No key combinations I can find will allow for small adjustments.

Thanks again for the help.
Spot|DSE wrote on 7/25/2006, 10:35 PM
If you hold the CTRL key while moving EVENT gain/opacity, it affords you minute control. Instead of shifting from a value of 100 to 93% to 85%, etc, it counts down by single digit increments. Maybe you're looking for decimal values?
Maestro wrote on 7/26/2006, 10:33 AM
That strange. I've tried your suggestion and it makes no difference at all for me. I try clicking then holding down Ctrl, or holding down Ctrl before clicking, or moving the gain before hitting Ctrl, and none of those techniques makes any difference in the rate. I'm running 6.0d. Maybe it's time for a support ticket.

Thanks again,

johnmeyer wrote on 7/26/2006, 11:06 AM
That strange. I've tried your suggestion and it makes no difference at all for me.

Or me either. There are several controls that are not "wired" into this Ctrl key logic. Spot probably didn't actually try this, and just assumed it would work, as it does on most, but not all, controls in Vegas. For instance, add the Brightness and Contrast fX to an event and then try to use the Ctrl key to adjust the values by small increments (Vegas 6.0d). You will find that the Ctrl key makes no difference. It definitely does not work on event opacity in Vegas 6.0d.

jetdv wrote on 7/26/2006, 11:13 AM
Event opacity can be controlled exactly via a script.
Spot|DSE wrote on 7/26/2006, 11:43 AM
That's how I was accessing it, and assume since it's scriptable, it's also CTRL-able. Apologies for error.
Maestro wrote on 7/26/2006, 1:21 PM
Then here's hoping for Vegas 7 to finish wiring up the fine adjustment capability to all the controls that currently don't have it. I'm not holding my breath though. I've been waiting for several small but significant improvements like this since version 4 and so far have been disappointed.

This feature alone would be enough for me to purchase the upgrade. A little goes a long way.
Chienworks wrote on 7/26/2006, 4:34 PM
I see what you're talking about now. What i do is temporarily stretch that track height out to fill my screen. Then i get several pixels for each percentage point and it's easy to get the value i want.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/26/2006, 6:54 PM
The track header controls don't respond to Ctrl either.
Spot|DSE wrote on 7/26/2006, 7:29 PM
The track header controls don't respond to Ctrl either.

Actually, they do. Always have since (IIRC) Vegas Pro.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/26/2006, 8:40 PM
That's strange. On my main computer they didn't, but on my laptop I just tried it, and, as you say, the Ctrl key works on track headers.

Time for me to take off a few days ...