
vicmilt wrote on 7/5/2006, 10:55 AM
Bad equipment or bad settings or bad engineer -

ask them first what they think, then find another place to do your dupe.
Former user wrote on 7/5/2006, 11:12 AM
If you paid for this service, ask them to do it again, but see if you can supervise. You are the client.

If it was free, then you take your chances.

Dave T2
Pcamp wrote on 7/5/2006, 11:32 AM
Set-ups probably mismatched need to use a DV deck that can compensate for 7.5 setup of anologue.
GlennChan wrote on 7/5/2006, 2:28 PM
7.5 IRE setup (or lack thereof) wouldn't explain why the whites run to 80% or the video noise.

The 80% figure: In Vegas the scopes can be off, depending on how you set them and what DV codec you're using. But even accounting for that, 80 on Vegas' waveform monitor definitely indicates that things are off.
corug7 wrote on 7/5/2006, 2:30 PM
"Need to use a DV deck that can compensate for 7.5 setup"

Not true by a longshot. They probably had an intern run a composite signal directly out of the BC deck into a small DV deck. I would almost guarantee that Vic is dead on. Did you have bars at the head of your tape to give the technician an idea of where the levels should be? If so, were they correct? There are any number of reasons on both sides where problems could occur. I would second the advice that you should have them do it again if you paid for the service, and supervise the set up of the tape. If they have a proc amp, Waveform and Vectorscope, make sure they use it, otherwise you are at the mercy of someones opinion or equipment. Besides, have you seen the video that comes out of some of the smaller stations?

Good luck.
farss wrote on 7/5/2006, 2:44 PM
We do the odd SP to DV dub.
As others have said a composite connection will lead to nasties, we always use a component connection to a DV deck with component in and balanced audio with no agc, cheap decks like the DSR-11 are not the go.
Also the J30 VCRs although they will play SP lack dynamic tracking and dropout compensation, the "J" means "Journalist" i.e. for previewing tapes only, they're fine for DB, SX and MX but SP no.

The other way is a good SP deck, UVW 1600/1800 and SD Connect, it's 14 bit A->D converters do a great job and it'll handle setup just fine as well as a few other image enhancments.

winrockpost wrote on 7/5/2006, 3:26 PM
also could be as simple as fox simply used rca out and dubbed,, looks pretty bad,, I get pretty good dubs with a simple svideo out of a 1800 through a blueflame , or even a sony dv2a ithink its called pretty good , not great but useable.
Pcamp wrote on 7/5/2006, 3:30 PM
Here is a link that explains difficulty related to set- up.
I gave up on using Betacam to DSR11 even with trying proc amp adjustments.
Low whites were the most apparent indicator of the problems.
Jay_Mitchell wrote on 7/5/2006, 11:20 PM
I have made hundreds of Betacam (PVW-2800) to MiniDv (DSR-20) dubs using SVHS cables without a glitch. If you reside in Southern California, I will offer to help you.

Jay Mitchell
Pcamp wrote on 7/6/2006, 10:42 AM
Here is an excellent article for those that want to get a handle on this problem: