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Subject:Converting Markers/regions to Wav files
Posted by: gigasaurus
Date:7/1/2006 1:11:16 PM

I have a number of large Wav files which I have subdivided with markers and I need a method to extract them to individual Wav files. I am able to use the "convert markers to regions" function and the "extract regions to Wav file" functions to make this happen. My problem is the "convert markers to regions" function doesn't simply name the new regions with my marker names, it instead creates fairly verbose region names (for example, if I have a marker called "marker1" and one called "marker2" it names the new region "Region 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:03.123 (marker1 / marker2)" so the Wav files that get created have this ridulously long filename (rather than the naming convention I need: "marker1.wav"). Can someone please help me figure out how I can accomplish this so the final files are names as I've specified the marker names? I'm using SoundForge6, but will happily upgrade if that's what the solution requires. Your help is appreciated.

Subject:RE: Converting Markers/regions to Wav files
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:7/1/2006 3:18:15 PM

I haven't noticed any way to transfer the marker names to the file names. However, if you uncheck the box that says "use long file names" (or something like that), you can then enter your own prefix such as "marker-". Then you'll end up with files named "marker-001.wav", "marker-002.wav", etc. Note however that the numbers will be based on the chronological order of the regions on the timeline and not the order of the markers.

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