OT- Any other MySpace people out there?

Stonefield wrote on 6/17/2006, 11:43 AM
I know that Ray and Eric are in my MySpace list of friends, but I was wondering if there are any people from this forum who I can add as a MySpace contact ...

For those who don't know, MySpace is an online community of people who can design and manage their own page on myspace and connect and network with people from all over the world. You can post pics, music, videos and have an ongoing blog of whatever you want to share. You can also post bulletins to everyone in your friends list at once.

MySpace does at time seem to be controlled by a bunch of teens but I think it also has great potential for networking and finding talent for projects you may be pursuing. I've already found lot's of models who want to be in my videos and now I'll be persuing some musicians in the Vancouver area in hopes of using their original music and possibly getting hired to produce videos for them.

If there's enough interest from this forum, I might create a Vegas Users MySpace group as well.

Might wanna check it out www.myspace.com


Orcatek wrote on 6/17/2006, 12:58 PM
I'm on there too. Just barely set up my account. Has no real info yet. Still studying it to see how others are using it.

[r]Evolution wrote on 6/17/2006, 3:13 PM

MySpace IS ran by teenagers & youngsters. That's who it was made for. Others have since noticed the Networking capabililities and have jumped in/on the bandwagon.

I would be very interested in a VEGAS users or Some other Video type of MySpace group.
I think I would prefer some type of Collaborative effort as apposed to just making it a VEGAS thing. I think often times we miss out on learning from or working with others simply because they use a different tool than we do.

epirb wrote on 6/17/2006, 4:06 PM
Flesh, You crack me up , How's that car dude?!
sent you guys Freind Req.
Dont worry, niether Stan,Ray or I post Bulletins about how drunk we got the other night, (We sleep it off)or 50 questions...about your favorite color..
It really does help for networking, esp. in your area.

Stonefield wrote on 6/17/2006, 5:27 PM
That's right Eric, I just post WHEN I'm drunk ........!!! lol
jrazz wrote on 6/17/2006, 5:43 PM
I haven't really looked much into myspace. It appears to be just another blogtype setup. Am I missing something? I know you can play music on the sites and you can have a ton of people say stuff like, "you rock" and "It was cool chill'in witcha" and the added bonus is you can use a picture to post when you post a comment.
At least that is what I have seen when looking at some myspace sites. Is it really any different than say blogger or the like? How does the networking take place? Is it like every other website or is there something special there that automates the networking? Wait a minute... nevermind. I can simply go to myspace.com and read the faq. I have a few friends who use it- Here is one of them that I worked with on occasion: Jason Eskridge.

j razz
birdcat wrote on 6/18/2006, 4:44 AM
Ok - Have to admit it - I have a myspace as well - It was the best way to find out what was going on in my kids' lives.
Fleshpainter wrote on 6/18/2006, 11:59 PM
Some friends of mine put on a weekly Gothic event, which I shot the video commercial for, and split my pants in the process thereof.
The way everyone was dressed that night it really didn't matter how ripped ones clothing was.
They used MySpace to promote the event by hand picking the friends whose profiles matched the targeted audience they were looking for. The result was that ~10% of them showed up for the opening night. That's a fairly efficiant ratio compared to most other forms of advertising. Now the trick is to apply this technique to other, and perhaps more conventional services.
kayoung08 wrote on 6/20/2006, 7:25 AM

mostly used to keep up with out of state friends and some local bands.