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Subject:Using Keyboard w/Acid 6 - MIDI Problem
Posted by: oblio98
Date:6/9/2006 8:34:08 AM

I know that I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure it out. I have a SB x-Fi Fatality. I have a keyboard plugged into the MIDI in, and when I play notes, I hear them fine. However, when I fire up ACID 6, and choose either the SONY Soft Synth or the Kompakt Synths, I have two problems.

1) I still hear the sound from the SB card (playing as a standard piano)

2) I then hear, after a brief delay, the same notes through the Acid Synth, with the proper sound that I selected in that synth.

So, can someone tell me how to "turn off" the SB sound, and also is there a way to get rid of the delay (or are the two related).

I tried almost everything in the ACID MIDI preferences, including unchecking "Auto MIDI input routing", but I still hear the SB MIDI.



Subject:RE: Using Keyboard w/Acid 6 - MIDI Problem
Reply by: oblio98
Date:6/9/2006 9:34:38 AM

I figured out how to stop the SB from sounding MIDI notes. I had to take the thing out of "Music Creation Mode". (I hate this part of this card, that there are "modes" that set the board up for different uses)

Anyway, now I just have a delay. Maybe I'll figure that out too.....

Subject:RE: Using Keyboard w/Acid 6 - MIDI Problem
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:6/9/2006 9:59:57 AM

If the card has ASIO drivers try selecting them in Options > Preferences > Audio Device then Audio Device Type. This should get rid of the latency (delay).


Subject:RE: Using Keyboard w/Acid 6 - MIDI Problem
Reply by: oblio98
Date:6/11/2006 7:32:12 AM

Thanks. I did have the ASIO loaded, but there was an "advanced" setting in the Audio setiup for latency. It was at 50, and when I set it to 20 it worked almost perfectly. When I set it lower, the sound was distorted.

Anyway, thanks for your help. For future reference, the setting is:

From Acid, select Properties, then Audio Device. I have "Creative ASIO" as the Audio Device Type. At the bottom of that window, there is a button for ADVANCED.

Clicking that opens a small window called "Audio Advanced Settings". Click CONFIGURE and you will get another window with a drop down box for "ASIO BUFFER LATENCY". As I said, the default was 50, try 20. You cannot enter a value, you must pick from the list. The choices below 50 are 40, 20, 10, 7, 5, 4, 2, 1.

Hope this helps future users!

Subject:RE: Using Keyboard w/Acid 6 - MIDI Problem
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:6/11/2006 9:14:47 AM

Yea I forgot about the Advanced button. Most cards would default to something usable but not Creative. BTW, you will find that the Creative ASIO drivers will forget this setting from time-to-time are revert back to 50ms. Just something to watch out for if you hear the latency come back.


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