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Subject:Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Template...
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:5/24/2006 3:22:09 AM

I've just bought a ProjectMix, and I was wondering where I could get "template" file so that when I load it, all the buttons/faders of my ProjectMix are assigned logically to Acid...

Anyone ?

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Template...
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:6/7/2006 3:23:48 PM

You don't need a template. Setting up the ProjectMix is quick and simple. Just do the following:

1) Boot the ProjectMix in "Cubase Mode" by holding Aux 2 while you power it on.
2) Open ACID.
3) Go to Options > Preferences
4) Go to the MIDI tab and enable the "ProjectMix Control Surface MIDI" devices for input and output. Click Apply.
5) Go to the External Control & Automation tab
6) Select Mackie Control from "Available devices" and click Add
7) Double click the Mackie Control entry that appears in the list below
8) Under "Device Type" choose "Emulated Mackie Control Device"
9) Under MIDI Input and Ouptut choose the ProjectMix Control Surface MIDI devices we enabled in step 4
10) Click OK on the "Configure Mackie Control" window
11) Click OK on the Preferences window
12) Go to Options and select External Control

At this point some of the faders on your ProjectMix should fly up and you are ready to go!

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Template...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/9/2006 9:41:29 AM

Thank you, I figured out by myself that I forgot to tick "Enable External Control" (silly me). I jumped off my desk when all the fader moved to their positions of the loaded project !!! That really scared me (and I believe in ghost... BTW the ghost note issue I had with AP5 scared me te same way ^^).

I'm using Logic Mode (according to people using ProjectMix with Vegas). Why did you choose Cubase mode ?


Message last edited on6/9/2006 9:42:59 AM byZacchino.
Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: PlanetG
Date:8/16/2006 7:56:33 PM

Hmm... I just bought the ProjectMix and have tried to set it up with Acid 6.0b, but after I follow all the steps above, nothing happens. All I can do is control the headphone level, no moving faders... Any ideas?

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: PlanetG
Date:8/17/2006 7:10:12 AM

Ahhh.... I set it up in Vegas first in Logic Mode, then when I opened Acid it worked! Woo! Anyone have any idea how to set the in / out buttons to set up loops, etc..? Or how to get the Window button to open say the Explorer Window?

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: PlanetG
Date:8/17/2006 7:36:25 AM

One last question... automation! I can record automated envelopes fine using the volume sliders in Acid, but when I use the faders on the ProjectMix it doesn't write!! Not much point having faders if you can't do this, so what am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers!

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/17/2006 8:29:46 AM


-external control tab.
-double click the listed entry.Mine says Mackie control but I'm guessing yours says Logic???
-You'll find to areas to tweak...the first being whats available and what has already been button will play device etc...
And you'll also have a bunch of empty "mappable" buttons that you can have what are available in the bottom window added to.

Here is my personal shortcuts for my mcu...

Play+shift=File render as...
Play+alt=File save as...
Record+shift=render to new track...
Stop+shift=File close...
Stop+alt=New Quick...
Rewind+shift=save as...
FF+shift=xtract from audio from cd.

I also have my shortcuts for snapping the grid...Crap I forgot if it was alt or ctrl but my F1 to F8 buttons are snap to:Quarter notes,eighth notes,sixthteenth notes,Quarter triplet,eighth triplet,sixthteenth triplet,32nd triplet,measure.

Hope that helps.


Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/17/2006 8:31:55 AM

For automation from the ctrl surface you have to press the automation button to activate it. Not sure where it would be for your surface but either looking to where it's mapped in the external control tab I explained above or just click around the surface untill it finally reacts.


Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: PlanetG
Date:8/17/2006 8:36:05 AM

Thanks, I'll give that a go and let you know how I get on, cheers for the help!

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: PlanetG
Date:8/17/2006 10:08:05 AM

Okay, I'm getting a bit confused when trying to set up the mapping, you see it's set to Mackie Emulation Control and all the buttons are named after the buttons on the Mackie Control, e.g. For Undo you press Undo, but on the ProjectMix there is no Undo button, and the things that are set up with Shift & Alt aint working, I guess I need to find out how the Mackie Control buttons relate to the ProjectMix buttons, I've tried just hitting buttons, but not much luck.

A few things I have found is that 'In' sets the loop start point, which is great, however 'Out' doesn't set the loop end point, it seems to do the same as 'In'.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it, I'm getting there slowly...

Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/17/2006 12:49:32 PM

First off what firmware version are you using. The M-audio site says that it's up to 1.0.5:

The user guide:

The other user guide I guess for midi:

Quick start:

Can someone make this into a neat link??? I forgot how to do it. Sorry. I guess start from there and let us know how it goes.

Have you tried it in cubase mode like nate suggested? There might be small differences.


Subject:RE: Looking for a ProjectMix Acid MCU Templat
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:8/17/2006 1:02:00 PM

"A few things I have found is that 'In' sets the loop start point, which is great, however 'Out' doesn't set the loop end point, it seems to do the same as 'In'."--

Page 23 of the manual...

Shift+IN button=Sets in marker.

Shift+out button=Sets out marker.

Pressing "IN" or "OUT" by them selves should jump to either. Are you seeing this?

This is in cubase mode btw...


Edit:Page 29...In Logic mode to set the In and out points you have to do so during playback. I don't like logic mode. I think cubase mode is better. Try them both and see how you like either. Man am I glad I got a MCU.

Message last edited on8/17/2006 1:06:38 PM bySHTUNOT.

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