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Subject:Newbie help...copy one sound file to another
Posted by: sfniko
Date:6/3/2006 2:47:58 PM

Searched knowledge base and faq for simple explanation to no avail. I am trying to copy the sound from one file and attach it the the back of the sound in a second file. Error message says the sample rates are different and to Process and Resample routine. Did that and nothing seems to happen. When finished Sound Forge 8 crashes.
Need a simple explanation of sample rate.

Subject:RE: Newbie help...copy one sound file to anot
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:6/3/2006 4:20:58 PM

The sample rate is how many times per second the sound is sliced up and measured. The number is referred to as Hertz, abbreviated Hz, and means cycles per second. CDs use 44,100Hz as a sample rate. Digital video uses 48,000Hz. Small web files often use 22,050Hz or 11,025Hz for the sample rate. Higher sample rates reproduce higher frequencies more accurately but also take up more space and make bigger files. You can find out the sample rate of your files by looking at the first of the small windows in the lower right corner of Sound Forge's window.

To change the sample rate of a file use Process / Resample. Enter the new sample rate to match the other file. Set Interpolation accuracy to 4 and check Apply an anti-alias filter for the best quality conversion. Click OK.

The other parameter that you may need to worry about is bit depth. Most files are either 8 bit, 16 bit, or 24 bit. This is listed in the second little window, right after sample rate. Higher bit depths reproduce waveforms more accurately, allow for greater dynamic range, and less noise and distortion. You can change the bit depth with Process / Bit depth converter.

Ideally, in both cases you should change the file with the lower sample rate and bit depth to match the file with higher values.

Subject:RE: Newbie help...copy one sound file to anot
Reply by: sfniko
Date:6/4/2006 10:34:17 AM

SoundForge should put this into the help file under sample rate...very clear.
Thank you.

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